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Posted: 10/6/2005 7:12:18 AM EDT
hey guys...can anyone point me in the right direction??  ive got a hive of bees taking up refuge on my property and want to get rid of them.....any info on this would be great, and i cant just shoot or burn them, theyre in a wall of my house it appears
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 7:14:23 AM EDT
Creepy Crawley insect removal will do it...

Just look in the yellow pages for bee removal. DO NOT FUCK WITH THEM YOURSELF.

We do have africanized bees here, and they can and will fuck you up or kill you. Let a pro do it!
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 7:22:16 AM EDT
RGRGR that G_T, you can bet your AZ ass I'M not gonna fuck w/ em!! LOL.  
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 7:41:26 AM EDT

RGRGR that G_T, you can bet your AZ ass I'M not gonna fuck w/ em!! LOL.  

We occasionaly get outta state folks who figure that a little water from the hose will cure the bee problem. Then we get to read about it in the paper...Forgot you were from Texas.

Link Posted: 10/6/2005 7:57:18 AM EDT


RGRGR that G_T, you can bet your AZ ass I'M not gonna fuck w/ em!! LOL.  

We occasionaly get outta state folks who figure that a little water from the hose will cure the bee problem. Then we get to read about it in the paper...Forgot you were from Texas.

LOL...yeah, ive had to deal w/ em before.....not fun.
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 9:22:39 AM EDT
Killer Bee Guy

I have met this guy on several occasions and he does bee removal for many of the govt agencies in the southern AZ region.  He also comes in to the gun store every now and then so he has to be a good guy.
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 10:29:35 AM EDT
Remove them?  Heck - you should just bottle the honey they produce and sell it in your free time to fund your gun habit!
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 12:35:13 PM EDT
Anyone know how far north the africanized bees go in Az. Are they in the Prescott area?

Rich V
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 12:53:13 PM EDT
I have heard that soon all the bees will be Africanized.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 7:53:25 PM EDT

Anyone know how far north the africanized bees go in Az. Are they in the Prescott area?

Rich V

Here in Camp Verde, my Dad had to call the FD when he watched a swarm move into an electrical transformer infront of his house.

My wife and I watched a swarm come straight by us while we were landscaping. They followed the road in a approx 8' wide by 12' long group. I was within ten feet, and hollered for her to run, but they just kept going straight.

I also hit a swarm by Yarnell on my bike, brushed a few off my sleeves, no biggie. Can't imagine how the gearless guys do it.
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 2:42:53 AM EDT
Last time I checked birdshot could fuck up bees something fierce
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 4:09:38 AM EDT
don't be a wuss.., you can do it !!

get a couple cans of Berrymans Carb & Choke cleaner, insert the little red tube in the hole where they are and spray away !!

aaaaaaaah !!! don't light any fires when doing this !!!!!!!

i just took out a swarm two days ago with this method
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