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Posted: 4/20/2017 5:33:55 PM EDT
Posting this up for a guy I work with had his truck and trailer stolen in Columbia.  Was up there doing inspections for MCRC. He is posting 1k award and I will throw in 1K 5.56 if anyone finds it.

Link Posted: 4/20/2017 10:59:35 PM EDT
Hopefully it's recovered but you know how these things go.  The trailer will end up repainted or otherwise have the appearance changed (since SC doesn't require trailer registration) and the yard equipment will be used by some other landscaping company and the truck is probably on it's way to Mexico.  I know of two lawn companies that have lost equipment in the last couple of years and the deputies in two different countries told them the same thing.  One of my friends had his fence cut a couple of years ago and his tandem axle trailer stolen with his classic sprint car in it- never recovered any of it even though the car was pretty distinctive.  Unfortunately it's common.
Link Posted: 4/21/2017 9:26:15 AM EDT
Yeah I kind of figured the trailer and mower are gone.  Hopefully they find his truck though.
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