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Posted: 6/27/2013 1:17:01 PM EDT
We need to organize a primary challenger and throw her out. Seriously.

This is something that can literally end any chance of Republican leadership ever again, that will cause crime to skyrocket and the economy to possibly collapse, and she voted for it, because her daddy McCain likely said to.
Link Posted: 6/27/2013 2:04:13 PM EDT
I feel your pain, but for a New England Senator, she's the best thing we've got going. I will stick with her unless and until she goes retard on the 2A. The last thing we need is another Shaheen.
Link Posted: 6/28/2013 5:15:02 PM EDT
I havent read anything about the whole amnesty thing but somebody mentioned it set aside billions for a military style operation to secure the border once and for all. Anyone know anything about that? True/false....details etc?
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 6:54:23 AM EDT
They promise the world but in the end dont do it for one reason or another. Bottom line is the govt is no longer trust worthy. Right now border enforcement is almost nonexistent. There's nothing to make me believe it will change in a positive way.
Link Posted: 6/30/2013 12:29:38 PM EDT
I havent read anything about the whole amnesty thing but somebody mentioned it set aside billions for a military style operation to secure the border once and for all. Anyone know anything about that? True/false....details etc?

Napolitano has the authority to squash this at her discretion, basically if she deems it not needed. (Very comforting, huh).

Kelly Ayotte needs to grow a pair and stop following John MCain around with puppy dog eyes. Very disappointed in her. She has lost my future vote.
Link Posted: 6/30/2013 2:33:41 PM EDT
I havent read anything about the whole amnesty thing but somebody mentioned it set aside billions for a military style operation to secure the border once and for all. Anyone know anything about that? True/false....details etc?

The border fence was part of the law eight years ago, but they promptly ignored it.

Believing that will be enacted is like Charlie Brown running at the football Lucy is holding.
Link Posted: 7/23/2013 5:00:50 PM EDT
Kelly is working on a new song for her upcoming CD, "Big Gubment, RINO Style".  Does she do anything without checking in with Graham/McCain?  Outside of her recent gun control vote, she's really trending in the wrong direction. Hold onto your wallets...

Link Posted: 7/24/2013 6:07:22 AM EDT
I did call her office and mention that we didn't elect her to be McCain's puppy dog intern.
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 8:27:16 AM EDT
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