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Posted: 1/19/2013 3:54:57 PM EDT
Just tossing a post out hoping someone knows bigscrun from here on ar15.com or another forum. I made a purchase from him Dec 12 and he apparently had some pretty severe life issues come up and has been unable to complete his transaction. I understand life tossing a curve and dont mind being patient as long as he can stay in contact with myself or a mod but it has been nearly 2 weeks since he last contacted a mod. If anyone knows him or knows of any way to contact him I would like to ask you to reach out, otherwise due to lack of contact I will probably ask a mod to make a ruling on this. As much as I want to wait it out and be patient, being completely blown off for over 3 weeks since his last responce to myself and almost 2 week to a mod is just to much to ignore. I am not the only member waiting for delivery either.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 6:23:02 PM EDT
Bumping this in hope somebody sees it. Was messaged by another person waiting for their items, since I have had no responce I will be asking the mods to move ahead with the ban if they or myself do not get a responce within the next couple days.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 7:09:17 PM EDT
Sent him a message on FB. By chance, was your transaction not via EE here on arfcom?

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 9:33:54 AM EDT
Sent him a message on FB. By chance, was your transaction not via EE here on arfcom?

I'm not vouching for him personally, as I don't know the guy, I hope he's allright. He has posted here a good bit and I don't recall him ever being a dick to anybody. I want to say I may have even had few IM's with him and he was very helpful.
His feedback score says alot:
bigscrun + 79

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:17:43 PM EDT
The deal was made via the EE here on ar15.com  The feedback thread is http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_7_109/1090253_Bigscrun___failure_to_ship_and_no_recent_contact.html which includes a link to the original deal thread. The other person that contacted me that is also waiting for some items from him told me he got his work number and tried to contact him today but he was not at work today and I believe he is going to try tomorrow.

I sent him an email a couple days ago and have gotten no response and the last email from a mod went unanswered as well. At this point if he doesnt respond via email within the next couple days will ask them to complete the ban. This coming Wednesday will be 4 weeks from the last contact he made with me. At that point I will just consider it a loss cause and still debating wether to notify paypal or just write it off as a loss rather than risk my pp account getting shut down for firearms accessories.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:39:03 PM EDT
The deal was made via the EE here on ar15.com  The feedback thread is http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_7_109/1090253_Bigscrun___failure_to_ship_and_no_recent_contact.html which includes a link to the original deal thread. The other person that contacted me that is also waiting for some items from him told me he got his work number and tried to contact him today but he was not at work today and I believe he is going to try tomorrow.

I sent him an email a couple days ago and have gotten no response and the last email from a mod went unanswered as well. At this point if he doesnt respond via email within the next couple days will ask them to complete the ban. This coming Wednesday will be 4 weeks from the last contact he made with me. At that point I will just consider it a loss cause and still debating wether to notify paypal or just write it off as a loss rather than risk my pp account getting shut down for firearms accessories.

Many of us here know Scrun.  Myself and many others have met him personally.

Just know that we would vouch for him, he has a long and well-established history of being an upstanding member, and that if you go full retard on this, you will be seriously, seriously despised.

Given his past medical history, if he's not even answering his work contact info, there's a significant chance he's in the hospital and may not even be conscious.  Slow the hell down and let somebody here who knows him personally try and figure out what's going on.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:47:59 PM EDT

Just know that we would vouch for him, he has a long and well-established history of being an upstanding member, and that if you go full retard on this, you will be seriously, seriously despised.

Not sure why anyone would think I am going full retard, if you read the feedback thread you would see its been ongoing for a month and a half and have been very patient, just looking for some contact even if not with myself at least with a mod is all.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 5:14:05 PM EDT

Just know that we would vouch for him, he has a long and well-established history of being an upstanding member, and that if you go full retard on this, you will be seriously, seriously despised.

Not sure why anyone would think I am going full retard, if you read the feedback thread you would see its been ongoing for a month and a half and have been very patient, just looking for some contact even if not with myself at least with a mod is all.

Read what I wrote.

Bigscrun has a specific (serious) medical history.  Without going into more detail - which isn't my place to be doing publicly - if it has popped up again, he may not even be conscious right now and may be in intensive care for quite a while.

Slow the fuck down and let some of the people here that know him personally try and figure out what's going on.  Those of us that know him will vouch that this is entirely out of the ordinary for him and he will likely do everything in his power to make it right as soon as he has the chance.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 5:19:18 PM EDT
I think that is why the OP has been posting here, constantly.  Starting new threads dealing with this to maybe see if he can get some more info...like you seem to have.  Try not being a dick.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 5:22:32 PM EDT
I think that is why the OP has been posting here, constantly.  Starting new threads dealing with this to maybe see if he can get some more info...like you seem to have.  Try not being a dick.

OP kicked off this thread with remarks about requesting a ban on a well-respected member who has been part of this board for over a decade and has mountains of solid feedback.

Perhaps if OP had been prudent and lined up all the puzzle pieces, seen the history of Bigscrun's membership, his feedback, and asked around a bit in the WAHTF, he would have realized something was very wrong and that this entirely out of character for the person in question.

Instead he walked in with his finger on the big red button asking for a reason not to use it.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 6:41:29 PM EDT
Treefarm -

I sent you a PM and Email as well as posted in the feedback thread. By some fluke you do not get any of the messages here is a copy of what I sent to you. Please PM or Email me promptly. I appreciate your time and thank you for being patient on a situation that most would not.

** I posted in your feedback thread about Bigscrun, Please send me your name and address and I will get you a MO out for the $55 that he owes you. Please be patient ( I know , I know) as I am 2500 miles away and work 7 days a week and need to find a place to get said MO. You can check my feedback and of course how long I have been a member.

As I stated I do not know him personally but I know this mans Character, and I would like to take this burden off your back....happily.

This mans Honor is not worth the $55, especially with the possibility of him being in intensive care.

You have been very patient, I just ask you to be slightly more so I can get funds sent to you.


Ryan M
Hunter121 aka Just part of the old WAHTF GOB that no longer exists**
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 7:00:49 PM EDT
Perhaps before you question my character and intentions you should reconsider since you don't know me, sure I don't post here really as I am just a lurker for the most part, but don't slam me on this. I don't know bigscruns background but I do know his feedback ratings and that hes had alot of people vouch for him, I am trying to do exactly as you are suggesting and trying to get more information about him and the situation he may be dealing with. I've had things happen myself that I hope people would have been understanding about and I try and do the same for others.

If you took my intial post as asking for a quick ban than you took it the wrong way and I apologize, I'm not sure how my request came off that way as its not the intention, my post tonight I did mention the ban as I am having a hard time getting ANY info until now. If you followed the posts I have made on this you would see I am not in a hurry and dont wish to see him banned, I am just looking for information. I intially posted in the comments and questions forum about the situation http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_7_127/1089642_At_what_point_should_I_give_up_and_post_negative_feedback_.html which led to the feedback thread http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_7_109/1090253_Bigscrun___failure_to_ship_and_no_recent_contact.html

You do have to understand I have been asked but someone else who made a purchase if I have had any word for him along with a mod asking about contact. I am honestly just trying to piece things together and if you think my intentions are otherwise considering this has been going on for a month and a half I don't know what else to tell you.

So.. due to feedback that I am finally getting here is what I plan to do. I am not interested in a refund from anyone to be honest, if medical crap has really hit him as some of you say than its miniscule in the grand scheme of things and it doesnt matter to me. If things work out down the road and I get the goods that would be great, but will not accept anyone else's money for this. I will be notifying Gatorhunt that I do not want to pursue this for negative feedback any further at this time, IF down the road he makes it back to ar15 forums and and becomes active again at that time we can revisit things if he doesnt set them right, but not now under these circumstances.

Hopefully you can understand where I have been coming from on this as I hope to become more active here in the future and my intentions have never been to cause harm but just resolve the situation that arose.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 7:05:57 PM EDT


This mans Honor is not worth the $55, especially with the possibility of him being in intensive care.

I wish I would have thought of that. Good on ya.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 7:12:25 PM EDT


This mans Honor is not worth the $55, especially with the possibility of him being in intensive care.

I wish I would have thought of that. Good on ya.

And I would agree, but I am not getting that info until now.

I hope you all can be understanding of my intentions, until tonight my decisions on how to handle this have been being made with incomplete information about what may be going on that I have been unable to get until now. Thank you for all your help.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 7:23:43 PM EDT


This mans Honor is not worth the $55, especially with the possibility of him being in intensive care.

I wish I would have thought of that. Good on ya.

And I would agree, but I am not getting that info until now.

I hope you all can be understanding of my intentions, until tonight my decisions on how to handle this have been being made with incomplete information about what may be going on that I have been unable to get until now. Thank you for all your help.


I appreciate your response to my PM, I am hopeful this will be resolved as soon as it can. If not then my offer stands to you.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 7:27:23 PM EDT



I think that is why the OP has been posting here, constantly.  Starting new threads dealing with this to maybe see if he can get some more info...like you seem to have.  Try not being a dick.

OP kicked off this thread with remarks about requesting a ban on a well-respected member who has been part of this board for over a decade and has mountains of solid feedback.

Perhaps if OP had been prudent and lined up all the puzzle pieces, seen the history of Bigscrun's membership, his feedback, and asked around a bit in the WAHTF, he would have realized something was very wrong and that this entirely out of character for the person in question.

Instead he walked in with his finger on the big red button asking for a reason not to use it.

Dude, cut the shit and give OP a break.  Name ONE PERSON here that has started a bad feedback thread that had 'lined up all the puzzle pieces" and had a complete background check, including medical history, of the person that "shafted" them on a deal.  Before you swing your purse at me, take notice that I put shafted in quotes because we don't know yet what happened here.

All OP knew when he started this thread is that he sent Bigscrun money, and Bigscrun hasn't shipped the item(s) or responded to any contact from him or the mods.  All OP is trying to do is find out what's going on and from what I can see he's been pretty damn patient and reasonable about it so far.

With that said, I hope Bigscrun is well and gets through whatever situation he may be in currently.

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 7:53:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 8:28:54 PM EDT


Bigscrun is one of the good guys and this situation will be resolved.


Link Posted: 1/21/2013 8:49:27 PM EDT

I think that is why the OP has been posting here, constantly.  Starting new threads dealing with this to maybe see if he can get some more info...like you seem to have.  Try not being a dick.

OP kicked off this thread with remarks about requesting a ban on a well-respected member who has been part of this board for over a decade and has mountains of solid feedback.

Perhaps if OP had been prudent and lined up all the puzzle pieces, seen the history of Bigscrun's membership, his feedback, and asked around a bit in the WAHTF, he would have realized something was very wrong and that this entirely out of character for the person in question.

Instead he walked in with his finger on the big red button asking for a reason not to use it.

Dude, cut the shit and give OP a break.  Name ONE PERSON here that has started a bad feedback thread that had 'lined up all the puzzle pieces" and had a complete background check, including medical history, of the person that "shafted" them on a deal.  Before you swing your purse at me, take notice that I put shafted in quotes because we don't know yet what happened here.

All OP knew when he started this thread is that he sent Bigscrun money, and Bigscrun hasn't shipped the item(s) or responded to any contact from him or the mods.  All OP is trying to do is find out what's going on and from what I can see he's been pretty damn patient and reasonable about it so far.

With that said, I hope Bigscrun is well and gets through whatever situation he may be in currently.

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 8:49:40 PM EDT
I think the OP came in here with good intentions. Please give the guy a break. If Scrun is okay down the road, he'll make it right. I can't say that I "know" him, but I met him a couple times at the WAC shows a few years back, and he seemed like a pretty stand up guy. Everyone has things that happen to them over time. It may just be a longer delay.

No need for anyone to get angry, or frustrated.

Link Posted: 1/21/2013 9:30:02 PM EDT
I'm friends in real life with Bigscrun.  I don't talk to him every day, but we've known each other for over a decade.  We've done tons of deals over the years. I've been to his house, know his family (his little girl is cute as all get out), and he knows mine.  We're also friends on Facebook and I watch his posts every day.

I don't know all the details of what's going on in his life, and I've honestly not called him about this particular issue.  But, I know I've had rough patches in my life.  Some have been embarrassingly low.  December 2012 was the best month I've had in five years, but the last five years have been a struggle.

I've done enough business with Bigscrun over the years that I'd like to buy his debt to you.  Dec12 was particularly good for me, so a bit of passing it on is in order.  I'm sure he doesn't need the financial burden, and he certainly doesn't need the stresses of this situation.  I'll write it off and never ask him a single question about it.  He's got bigger fish to fry, and I'm sure when he gets his bearings, he'll pass them on for the next fellow.

Send me an IM with your Paypal address and amount owed.  If you'd rather a PMO, I can do that as well.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 10:13:17 PM EDT
We've got two people in this thread willing to pay off Scrun's end of the deal, no questions asked.

I think that says more than anything about the man's character.
Link Posted: 1/22/2013 3:51:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2013 9:56:05 AM EDT
Just in case no one's said it yet...

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