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Posted: 10/31/2006 9:34:59 AM EDT
My son and I will going to SEMA tomorrow and was wondering if any of you guys or gals are also going? The show is amazing and every year it seems they try to take it up another level.

The only thing about the show that bothers me is the scantily clad models (hundreds) EVERYWHERE! You know the kind in thongs, bikinis, thigh-highs, hot pants and such...... It bothers me because no matter how much I try NOT to look... I end up with whiplash-like symptoms after the show

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 10:54:06 AM EDT
Unless they changed things again two years ago they put a lot of restrictions on the models. They used to be more revealing and there were 10x as many of them. I didn't go last year and I forgot all about it this year so I won't be going again.

Have fun and let us know how it went.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:20:27 AM EDT
be sure to take lots of pics ron..
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:32:56 AM EDT

....what AndrewS said; things are SUPPOSED to be more restrained this year though if you WANT whiplash, you'll get it!
I'm usually a PA for a magazine shoot for this event, mag scheduling is screwed-up this year; unknown......It's an overwhelming show, have fun, LOTS to see!
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:09:46 PM EDT
I stopped going last year. I used to take a few days off of work and go and stare at all the cars and girls...but then I would come home pissed that I couldnt afford all those nice cars, and girls too lol....so im not going to put myself through the hassle anymore. Plus I get to see girls dressed like that nightly at work....
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:20:15 PM EDT

I end up with whiplash-like symptoms after the show

Physician, heal thyself!

How did you get tickets?  I've got some other friends who would love to go next year.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:50:54 PM EDT
Jonathan got us tickets.. he even got tickets for Pete and his wife.

I won't be going to the show on Thursday or Friday if you want to use my badge.

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