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Posted: 8/25/2006 11:14:50 PM EDT

Link Posted: 8/26/2006 6:31:02 AM EDT
In an Islamic country, Christians would be beheaded for corruption for doing the same thing.
Link Posted: 8/26/2006 10:19:50 AM EDT
I going to learn how to fly a Helicopter and then fly some laps around STRATS range.

Link Posted: 8/26/2006 5:11:50 PM EDT
Its my kids B-day party today. (turned 6 yesterday) gonna have about 15 rug-rats running around making a mess and a ton of noise.  Gotta love parenthood!!

will be spending the night putting together toys and spending a fortune in batteries,
and What the hell is up w/ the dam screws/straps and other ridiculous retention devices they keep putting on these toys..damn near need a truckload of tanerite to get the toy out of the friggin' package.   (rant over thanks for your time)
Link Posted: 8/26/2006 8:04:21 PM EDT
I give a fuck about islam and wanting to know anything about it.  And I'm pretty open minded.

Islam is as Islam does in my book.
Link Posted: 8/26/2006 8:35:42 PM EDT

I give a fuck about islam and wanting to know anything about it.  And I'm pretty open minded.

Islam is as Islam does in my book.

Well said.
Link Posted: 8/26/2006 9:00:29 PM EDT
A must visit site.

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