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Posted: 12/17/2010 6:25:21 PM EDT
Trying to get one for someone that wanted it for Christmas, and it looks like the company I ordered it from may not come through.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 10:34:23 PM EDT
I can think of two possibilities.  One is so rude that I have never gone in there, and the other one deals in both legitimate products and stolen government property.  If you are okay with that, IM me and I'll tell you who they are.
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 8:14:11 AM EDT
I'm going to guess the crazy guy on South Cushman is the rude one... And the other is inbetween Noble and Cushman Downtown
Link Posted: 12/18/2010 8:09:52 PM EDT
What are ya, psychic?  Get outta my head!
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