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Posted: 4/21/2007 5:56:51 PM EDT
    I was thinking of going tomorrow to the Antioch gun show. Did anyone go today? Is it worth the 1 hour drive for me? I always find good deals on ammo. Might be a good time to stock up.
    Also looking for some Ar specific gunsmith tools and a Pelican case.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 6:21:19 PM EDT
  There were two articles in the San Fran. Chronicle about gun owners stopping criminals. One today, a former Miss America, 1944 to be exact, shot the tires out from under a guy trying to burglarize her family farm. She stopped him from fleeing and then flagged down a passing motorist. The criminal was apprehended!
   Another one was from yesterdays SF chronicle. Three street thugs, one with a criminal history, approached a man closing his pizza parlor. They brandished a gun and stated that "this is a robbery". The proprietor had his family in the restaurant and was duly concerned for their safety. He produced a firearm of his own, a 9mm, and shot the thug who had the gun.
   Not a word from gun control nuts on either of these incidents in which a law abiding citizen was able to defend themselves and their families. I the wake of the horrible event at VT it's nice to have some positive gun stories in current events. Who knows how either of the above incidents would have turned out if the good guys didn't have the right to bear arms.
   Have a good weekend everyone.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 8:39:29 PM EDT
I live in Antioch, and ive have been to 2 or 3 of the shows here.  IMO, its not worth it, too small.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 10:52:15 PM EDT
 Thanks for the advice. I went and checked it out anyways. Sunday traffic was light, got there fast. A couple speed traps on the way there and back.
 You said it, it was a small gun show. Always fun to go to new places though. Nice folks at the Antioch show. The ammo guys I usually buy from weren't at todays show though. They're always at local gun shows. Cow palace, Vallejo, Sacto....
 Looking forward to the Cow Palace show next month. Then Reno in August, I think.
 Got some good stuff anyways. Thanks for the tip..
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