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Posted: 1/2/2007 6:55:00 PM EDT
My Great Grandfather decided he wanted to pass on one of his guns to me. He gave me his Smith & Wesson Model 57 .41 Magnum with an 8 3/8 inch barrel! Man this thing is a BEAST!

on another note, I was looking for other stuff about it online and found out that "Dirty Harry's" .44 that was used for the movie wasnt a model 29 .44 at all... it was a model 57 .41

According to Wikipedia:

The gun used by Clint Eastwood in the filming of the movie was reportly not a .44 Magnum. According to a story related by the studio's prop department, Smith & Wesson did not have a Model 29 in stock at the time one was requested for filming. Instead, they used a Smith & Wesson Model 57 in .41 Magnum. The Model 29 and Model 57 are identical except for minute differences in bore size, chamber dimensions, and exterior markings, none of which are visible in the film.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 7:07:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 7:42:35 PM EDT
he's way cooler than Dirty Harry
Link Posted: 1/3/2007 1:30:40 AM EDT
Looks like he made your day.
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