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Posted: 10/28/2006 3:26:21 PM EDT
Are there any restrictions on ammo (besides "Armor Piercing") in NY state? I mainly want to know if there is a limit to how many you can own (I doubt it but you never know with NY.) Also, any restrictions on selling ammo for example on the EE from NY besides writing ORM-D and such on the box?


Link Posted: 10/28/2006 7:03:38 PM EDT
NY state has no restrictions other than the standard federal ones, i.e. no pistol ammo to anyone under 21, no armor piercing other than what is already allowed, no ammo to fellons, etc. NY used to restrict pistol caliber rounds to pistol permit holders, but with the explosion of pistol caliber carbines this is no longer the case. There is no restriction on how much you can own, or how you store it.

NYC is another matter. It is illegal to have any caliber of ammo you don't have a registered firearm for. If you don't have a 30.06 rifle, then you better not have any M2 ball.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 3:19:06 AM EDT
Even armor piercing ammo isn't illegal unless you have intent to use it in an unlawful manner.

Sgt_Gold, the law restricting sale of ammo designed exclusively for use in pistols to pistol permit holders remains on the books and is enforced by a variety of sellers, including Sports Authority in White Plains.  It does seem the only calibers it applies to are limited as there are 9mm, .45, .38. 357 and .44 rifles.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:10:38 AM EDT
Thanks Guys, I thought the ammo restriction in NYC is based only on pistols. In makes sense that it pertains to rifles also.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:22:02 AM EDT
It is also illegal to possess a magazine in NYC that you don't have a registered firearm for.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:18:18 AM EDT
As of right now, a retired NYPD Member of Service who is issued a NYC Pistol License cannot carry their pistols with anything more than a 10-rounder. Commissioner Ray “Popeye” Kelly does not trust his retirees with more than 11-rounds in their personal weapons. They can keep those hi-caps that they received during their period of service; they just have to leave them in their home.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 7:18:51 AM EDT
An NYPD cop who lives on Staten Island, who was chronic-sick (out for more than 40 consecutive days) was visited by his Sergeant who was there to take protective custody of is firearms (department issued pistol and any other firearms he owned on his badge. The Sergeant inventoried all of the officer’s handguns and then asked if there was anything else. The officer responded “yes” and went down to his basement. Upon ascending he handed the Sergeant a Colt L.E. Model AR-15. The Sergeant went bat-**** and called the BATFE, who responded that it was not their concern. The Sergeant then called the NYPD Legal Matters Bureau which told him to collar-up the cop.
Legal Matters reviewed NYS law and discovered that Assault Weapons had been re-categorized as “Firearms” per the NYS Penal Law. Police officers are required to notify their job whenever the acquisition or disposition of a firearm occurs. Legal Matters said that the officer failed to inform the NYPD about the Assault weapon so, in fact the officer had in his possession, an unregistered firearm.
Just as the cop was about to be injected into the NYC Court System, the ADA dropped all charges. They called up to State Police –Licensing Unit who informed the NYPD that they only care about handguns and don’t need as of now, anything about Assault Weapons.

The cop was reinstated and his rifle returned. From what I’ve just heard, a Patrol Guide change regarding off-duty possession of Assault Weapons is about to happen.
Ray Kelly really hates his cops and their guns!
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 11:48:15 AM EDT

As of right now, a retired NYPD Member of Service who is issued a NYC Pistol License cannot carry their pistols with anything more than a 10-rounder. Commissioner Ray “Popeye” Kelly does not trust his retirees with more than 11-rounds in their personal weapons. They can keep those hi-caps that they received during their period of service; they just have to leave them in their home.

This was brought up before but I thought it was debunked by those in the "know". In any case AFAIK there is no provision in NYS law for a retired LEO to possess a LCAFD that was manufactured after 09-14-1994.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 12:39:37 PM EDT
I know for a fact that a retired LEO in NY can not keep his High Cap magazines.


As of right now, a retired NYPD Member of Service who is issued a NYC Pistol License cannot carry their pistols with anything more than a 10-rounder. Commissioner Ray “Popeye” Kelly does not trust his retirees with more than 11-rounds in their personal weapons. They can keep those hi-caps that they received during their period of service; they just have to leave them in their home.

This was brought up before but I thought it was debunked by those in the "know". In any case AFAIK there is no provision in NYS law for a retired LEO to possess a LCAFD that was manufactured after 09-14-1994.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 4:28:48 PM EDT
A retired LEO with a NYC permit can keep PREBAN hicaps.  No restrictions in the Ad Code to prevent that, and I know of no permit legending by 1 Police Plaza to the same effect.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:17:30 AM EDT
I'll tell ya I just got my list of returns for retirement and it included the magazines. I get to keep my firearm but must return the magazines. They are pre-ban though so maybe I should ask why. Maybe because I currently reside in the city?


A retired LEO with a NYC permit can keep PREBAN hicaps.  No restrictions in the Ad Code to prevent that, and I know of no permit legending by 1 Police Plaza to the same effect.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 3:45:07 AM EDT

I'll tell ya I just got my list of returns for retirement and it included the magazines. I get to keep my firearm but must return the magazines. They are pre-ban though so maybe I should ask why. Maybe because I currently reside in the city?


A retired LEO with a NYC permit can keep PREBAN hicaps.  No restrictions in the Ad Code to prevent that, and I know of no permit legending by 1 Police Plaza to the same effect.

Can NYC residents own PREBAN mags>10rd capacity? I thought not....?

Link Posted: 10/31/2006 5:45:06 AM EDT
ADC - New York City Administrative Code

§  10-131  Firearms.


6.  It  shall  be  unlawful  for  any person to possess any ammunition
 feeding device designed for use in  a  firearm  except  as  provided  in
 subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this paragraph.

   (a)  Any  pistol  or  revolver  licensee  or  permittee may possess an
 ammunition feeding device designed for use in  the  pistol  or  revolver
 such  licensee or permittee is authorized to possess, provided that such
 ammunition feeding device is not capable of holding more than  seventeen
 rounds  of  ammunition and provided further that such ammunition feeding
 device does not extend below the grip of the pistol or revolver.

   (b) Any person who is exempt pursuant to section 265.20 of  the  penal
 law from provisions of the penal law relating to possession of a firearm
 and  who  is  authorized  pursuant  to any provision of law to possess a
 firearm without a license or permit therefor, may possess an  ammunition
 feeding  device  suitable  for  use in such firearm, subject to the same
 conditions as apply with respect to such  person's  possession  of  such

   (c) Any dealer in firearms may possess such ammunition feeding devices
 for the purpose of disposition authorized pursuant to paragraph seven of
 this subdivision.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:03:34 PM EDT

he handed the Sergeant a Colt L.E. Model AR-15. The Sergeant went bat-**** and called the BATFE, who responded that it was not their concern. The Sergeant then called the NYPD Legal Matters Bureau which told him to collar-up the cop.

What a real prick that Sergeant must be !
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 12:54:39 PM EDT
The NYPD has a bad boy squad that does nothing but hook up other cops.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:06:29 PM EDT
Even if you have to hand in your mags when you retire, nothing to stop you from buying new (preban) ones to use.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 2:47:02 PM EDT
As a retired LEO even under HR218 you can't carry +15 round mags or hollow-point ammo in NJ. If NYPD PBA President Lynch and the Dimowits he supports have their way you won't be able to carry hollow-point ammo in NYS either.
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