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Posted: 7/3/2012 12:09:36 PM EDT
I have a 06 Charger and need to swap the alternator. Above is a coolant hose and below is crowded by the wheel well and the oil filter. Anybody know which way this is supposed to be removed? The Factory Service manual seems to show it coming out the bottom but has very poor diagrams.
Link Posted: 7/3/2012 1:04:46 PM EDT
I haven't seen one but based on experience with other vehicles you may have to remove the wheel well liner or a cover underneath to get it out.  It can't possibly be as much of a PITA as my 95 Saab 900 was.  That was nearly impossible to get out of the car after unbolting it and that car ate alternators
Link Posted: 7/3/2012 1:04:56 PM EDT
Hair trigger on my Touchpad.
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