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Posted: 10/29/2010 11:15:35 AM EDT
My niece and nephew wanted a Halloween birthday party. The haunted walk is the main attraction. My contribution is the flying ghosts. After a couple of weeks of experimenting with different setups, I finally achieved my goal. Every part was scavenged except the ghosts. Those things ain't cheap. The frames are made from old bed frames. The bicycle wheels were borrowed from my bike. The motor and battery came from a power wheel jeep. It's a little loud but it is the best I can do with a very limited budget.

Link Posted: 10/29/2010 11:56:55 AM EDT
cool, after Halloween covert into moving target shooting range
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 12:36:25 PM EDT

I second making it a moving target range for November :)
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 2:40:41 PM EDT
That's pretty damn cool.  At night, with some clever lighting, it could be pretty scary for the kids.
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 3:06:35 PM EDT
That's friggin awesome! You need a couple of fake rattle snakes in those palmettos, and a pop up or two. Afterwards, convert it a target range
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 6:18:43 PM EDT
Thanks guys. The hole trail is about 150 yards long. Lucky it was already there. Although it was over grown and took about a month clear out. I don't think converting it to a gun range is a good idea. There are houses on the other side of those trees. We(my family) has talked about having some paintball matches back there.
Link Posted: 10/30/2010 12:38:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2010 6:30:05 PM EDT
Well the birthday party went off without a hitch. Well almost. After everyone went through the haunted walk, I decided to film the flying ghosts. About 20 seconds after I start, something hit one of the ghost. The rope pop off the pulleys and it all came down. Oh well. We were finished with the trail any way.
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