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Posted: 10/25/2010 12:39:46 AM EDT
I just filled out my absentee ballot for the upcoming election.
I must admit making a choice for Governor left me feeling like I had just taken a dip in the world famous Kandahar Airfield Poo Pond.
Even if you have to hold your nose, make sure you get out and vote.

Semper Fi


Link Posted: 10/25/2010 6:22:10 PM EDT
Ahh the glorious Pond of Poo...

God that smell was the worst thing I ever inhaled when I walked off the plane. The next was sleeping in a temporary holding cell that was in the middle of the PUCs who slept, ate, shit, and breathed in their one man holding cells. Talk about sleeping "ready".
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 4:31:59 AM EDT
Cobb County early voting FTW!!!   I voted yesterday.  No crowds, it took all of 10 mins.

And guys, thank you for your service to your country!!!
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 6:04:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 6:05:50 AM EDT
Already voted.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 6:48:53 AM EDT
Already voted.

Same here....voted last week.


Link Posted: 10/26/2010 8:54:55 AM EDT
About 40 ppl in line to vote in Marietta right now.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 1:52:07 PM EDT
Already voted.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 3:07:33 PM EDT
can you just walk in and vote early? I'll be at the VA on Nov 2nd, and I'm not sure if I can make it all the way back to Jackson Co in time.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 4:22:21 PM EDT
can you just walk in and vote early? I'll be at the VA on Nov 2nd, and I'm not sure if I can make it all the way back to Jackson Co in time.

Yes, you should just be able to walk in and vote.  Don't forget your ID.  Jackson Co. info below - I'm not sure what their hours are but the # is there.  

Jackson County

Chief Registrar

Administrative Building

67 Athens St.

Jefferson, GA 30549

Telephone: 706-367-6377
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 4:32:12 PM EDT
Hey Monk, Im glad to see you got your ballot.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 4:38:46 PM EDT
Already voted.

Same here....voted last week.


Ware County.  Voted and got my tag renewal stickers.

About 15 minutes.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 5:00:50 PM EDT
West Cobb at Lost Mt Park. Got there at 3:40 left at 3:50.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 5:10:41 PM EDT
Was done in 10 minutes today. You know, there were 2 or 3 sections with only one freakin name. What's up with that? I was thinking, hmmm.... only one name means they cant lose so why am I voting for this one if he cant lose? And then you had the judges or something legal like that and there was no party mark so you had to know ahead of time what their position was and I did not have that info. Need to do a little reading before the next round.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 6:44:34 PM EDT
Speaking of which, anyone know who the more conservative judges are, or how to find out? I must be doing it wrong because I'm not really finding any info.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 7:02:50 PM EDT
Having grown up in and around Mableton, I was appalled the first time Barnes was elected, and I absolutely will not vote for his second coming, even if he were running against a blind monkey covered in dog crap.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 3:25:50 AM EDT
Was done in 10 minutes today. You know, there were 2 or 3 sections with only one freakin name. What's up with that? I was thinking, hmmm.... only one name means they cant lose so why am I voting for this one if he cant lose? And then you had the judges or something legal like that and there was no party mark so you had to know ahead of time what their position was and I did not have that info. Need to do a little reading before the next round.

I don't bother voting in unopposed races.  Also,  I never vote for anything that I'm not aware of.  I'd hate to be the one that cast the deciding vote for some idiot because I was an idiot.

BTW.  I voted yesterday.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 3:53:52 AM EDT
Was done in 10 minutes today. You know, there were 2 or 3 sections with only one freakin name. What's up with that? I was thinking, hmmm.... only one name means they cant lose so why am I voting for this one if he cant lose? And then you had the judges or something legal like that and there was no party mark so you had to know ahead of time what their position was and I did not have that info. Need to do a little reading before the next round.

Generally, the primary was where the choice was and where you can make a big difference.      For example, in Cobb you'll have 2 to 3 choices in the Republican Primary but none in the General.   This is because some Cobb districts are 60+% Republican and no Dem in there right mind would waste the time to run.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 4:35:18 AM EDT
Who is the best choice for Attorney General? I know Sam Olens is a wolf in sheeps clothing and is no friend of the 2nd amendment.  But I know nothing of the other candidates.

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:31:31 PM EDT
Hey Monk, Im glad to see you got your ballot.

Me too. I was worried about it getting here in time for me to send it back before the election.
A lot of other places have screwed service members over on their ballots.
IMO the DOJ is not enforcing the laws and allowing states and local entities to disenfranchise service members.
There is anecdotal evidence to suggest it is worse in blue areas problem such NYC and Illinois.
I wish there was better way for service members who deployed or overseas to vote.

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:39:18 PM EDT
Ahh the glorious Pond of Poo...

God that smell was the worst thing I ever inhaled when I walked off the plane. The next was sleeping in a temporary holding cell that was in the middle of the PUCs who slept, ate, shit, and breathed in their one man holding cells. Talk about sleeping "ready".

I am making damn sure my records note the fact I was stationed here in case I have any weird medical issues caused by the Poo pond.
I hope the dumba$$ who built the thing is suffering.

Link Posted: 10/28/2010 2:39:49 PM EDT
Ahh the glorious Pond of Poo...

God that smell was the worst thing I ever inhaled when I walked off the plane. The next was sleeping in a temporary holding cell that was in the middle of the PUCs who slept, ate, shit, and breathed in their one man holding cells. Talk about sleeping "ready".

I am making damn sure my records note the fact I was stationed here in case I have any weird medical issues caused by the Poo pond.
I hope the dumba$$ who built the thing is suffering.


He's Russian, he's probably dead. KAF, like all the other bases, was built by the Soviets to prop up the Afghan communist regime after dethroning the king. If you get a chance go to Kabul Military Training Base (KMTB) and ask to see the graveyard... hence Afghanistan's name as the graveyard of empires. Soviet airborne division BRDMs, BMPs, T-55s to T-72s, rocket launchers, you name it. Its a tetnus party for all
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 9:17:30 AM EDT
Voted this morning, and there were maybe 6 other people in front of me.
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 9:27:54 AM EDT
Just got back from voting.  I was hard holding my breath that long while casting those votes for the lesser of two evils.  I always feel so dirty when I leave the polling place.  

But, I did my part.  I think.    Not sure it really matters anymore.

Link Posted: 10/29/2010 10:47:01 AM EDT
I voted early today in Henry County.  Only a hand full of people in there and was in and out within ten minutes.
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 5:32:49 PM EDT
So when did the obsession with early voting come upon us? I always thought it was an honor to vote on voting day. My dad used to take me to the polling place on voting day and would give me his sticker, always seemed like it was a special moment to vote in this republic. Early voting as I understand it is basically absentee voting for any reason. Now some states don't count absentee ballots unless the races are close... so how do we know your votes are counted?

Link Posted: 10/29/2010 5:50:06 PM EDT
So when did the obsession with early voting come upon us? I always thought it was an honor to vote on voting day. My dad used to take me to the polling place on voting day and would give me his sticker, always seemed like it was a special moment to vote in this republic. Early voting as I understand it is basically absentee voting for any reason. Now some states don't count absentee ballots unless the races are close... so how do we know your votes are counted?

Early voting equates to shorter lines.
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