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Posted: 1/20/2013 10:11:10 AM EDT
This is a FB status from a girl that I used to fence with back in college. I was really REALLY surprised because she was a very smart and educated person who I have had the pleasure of having many conversations and debates with. The first time I read this my head nearly exploded. There is so much wrong with this I do not even know where to begin.

"Ok, not that I am really for "disarming citizens" or whatever. But when I hear the argument from some wannabe-anarchists (or freedom fighters or whatever they think they are) that we need guns to possibly "protect ourselves from the government", it blows my mind as the stupidest crap I've ever heard. If some group of citizens really wanted to "revolt", their precious guns of any caliber would be laughable. Come on, the government has stealth bombers, tanks and nuclear weapons, geniuses. "They" already have had us over a barrel for a generation when it comes to the possibility of "taking down a corrupt fascist tyrannical government ourselves". And IF they are corrupt as you say, they would have no qualms using it on citizens. Ok, that's all I have to say on that part of the gun "debate". If you need to defend yourself from police brutality that's another matter, I guess, but realistically how often is it the cops shooting at you and how often is it someone on heavy duty antipsychotic drugs?"

I attempted to show the 2A side of the argument and was promptly bashed for being a war-monger, anarchist, gun nut, and a paranoid. I was making very good points and counter-points. I did such a good job some people chose not to or could not respond to me, but would respond to other 2A guys . But I knew that the battle was won when someone was attacking me, not for my ideas/sentiments/views, but for my lack of knowledge on using "reflexive pronouns"......yikes. In any case, it saddens me of how ignorant people are and all I can do is pray that no evil befalls them or their family .
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 10:32:32 AM EDT
Just tell her your a government agent and punch he in the face

Seriously,  there are more stupid people in this world than "smart".  She just thinks she is smart because she want to be a sheep.
Link Posted: 1/20/2013 6:08:53 PM EDT
She is a sheep.  She believes that the evils of the world cannot touch her.  She believes that when she calls 9-1-1, they will save her.  
The only way she will change her mind is after she has become a victim.  

She doesn't understand that good people are ready to do bad things to evil people to protect her.  There are people out there in this world who do not care about her, or her rights, or her feelings. They only care about what they take from her.

It's terrible shame, I'm sorry.
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 4:45:55 AM EDT
WTF have we been doing fighting a few tens of thousands of illiterate goat fornicators for the last ten years in Iraq and A-stan?

I never knew it should be so EASY!!  We need to get a copy of this military genius' CV to the Pentagon right away before

we lose any more troops to the taliban!!
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 12:23:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2013 12:25:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2013 12:02:20 PM EDT
When ever I hear an argument like that I can just hear some Pilgram using the same argument against a Revolutionary..."don't you know the Brithish Have big ships, an Army with arty, they have all those great formations, supplies and they carry Brown Bess. What can your puny Kentucky Long rifle and some deer skin leggins ever hope to do to them."
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