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Posted: 1/26/2009 11:58:58 AM EDT
I need to pick up a cleaning kit for my RRA LAR-15.  Any recommendations on kits to purchase/kits to avoid?  Can I just pick up something at the nearest Wally World, gun shop, or should I order online?  I should probably get something for my pistols too and stop sponging off my friend (we always shoot together and I just use his stuff).
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 1:50:09 PM EDT
my recommendation is to get a BoreSnake and then go to Anderol's website, find a GA dealer and place an order for CLP, scavenge newspaper/old toothbrushes/old t-shirts when available, buy bulk Q-tips.

i don't recommend you go the Dewey coated rod, 5 dozen jags/brushes, multiple solvents/lubes route.  i also don't recommend commercially available kits.

instead of spending the $$ for true CLP, you could substitute synth motor oil.

bottom line: roll your own.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 1:50:42 PM EDT
I like the OTIS kits....
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 2:05:49 PM EDT
One thing I find as a necessity is the Dewey chamber and bolt lug cleaning kit.


Dewey also makes an AR field kit with pull-through cable.


Link Posted: 1/26/2009 2:51:59 PM EDT
also, get a 50cal ammo can in which to throw all your stuff.

pick up M16 chamber brushes as needed.

if you have enough CLP to hose things out, you will find things clean much easier.  cleaning is harder when you feel like every squirt or spray is money flowing out of your pocket.  i buy CLP in 6 gallon orders....lasts years.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:21:41 PM EDT
Stop sponging
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