Here's a pic I took (it was difficult because of the reflection) of the carbine barrel that died @5300 rds.
I've sectioned the chamber and first part of the barrel because I was curious to see what was going on.
As you can see, it's pretty well worn out and although it looks like there's rifling all the way from the throat, that actually isn't the case.
What appears to be rifling is actually lines of erosion rubbing along the edges of what use to be the lands. It is actually smooth to the touch and you can't even feel it with your fingernail.
As I said, this barrel stopped shooting 62gn RG bullets completely. (it would throw them sideways at 100yds) but would still shoot lighter varmint bullets with fantastic accuracy.
I took it off the gun a week later and cut it up.
ACR and Matt's barrels did exactly the same thing. It was just like switching them off. There was no deterioration....they just stopped shooting.
Here are some pics of what was happening
This is a perfect example of a tumbling bullet
Here you can see just how far away from group centre these two unstable bullets landed.
There are more like these but you get the idea.
As I was saying, the barrel continued to shoot lighter bullets with unerring accuracy, as you can see in the pics below