AR15 / M16 ARMORING COURSE (this course is open to everyone)
January 27-28, 2007
Driftless Rifle Club (Reedsburg, WI)
Cost: $350 (Registration is available online at our website)
SLR15 Rifles was recently featured as the
March 2006 SWAT Magazine Cover Story. Our Armoring Course has taught for a decade all over the country. The armoring course with our shooting course was reviewed in
SWAT Magazine September 2004 Article. This course is currently mentioned in the August 2006 issue of SWAT Magazine, and you will see another great picture of one of our rifles in the December 2006 (pg.74) issue as well.
A few reviews can be found here:
Lebanon, IN Sheriff's DeptPlymouth MNHere is a brief overview of what is covered and I can tell you it is a very busy hands on full 2-days of AR15/M16 Armoring:
History of the Weapon
Cycles of Function
General Disassembly & Assembly
Identification of Common Problems and Parts
Identification of Group Components
Semi, Burst, and Full Auto Parts and Conversions
Complete Armoring Disassembly / Assembly
Barrel Replacement
Cleaning and Maintenance
Sight and Distance Considerations
Ballistic Issues
Barrel Twist, Length, and Choices
Gas System
Parts Interchangability, including Brands
Firing Pin Protrusion
Trigger Jobs
Chamber Inspection and Polishing
Accessories and Customizing
Tool Options and Selection
Iron Sights (A1/A2/A3) Disassembly/Reassembly
SOP/MOD Accessories and Additions
All tools, manuals, and anything else that is necessary is supplied. We will provide rifles with prior arrangements so we know how many to bring. We prefer that students bring their own weapon systems to get familiar with their own configuration and modifications, plus this allows the time for a good thorough cleaning and inspection, plus we can replace and repair any parts necessary. This is a very intensive course that we cover in 2-days, so be prepared to get a lot of hands on knowledge.
All that successfully complete this course will receive Armorer's Certification, and will also have an opportunity to purchase a SLR15 rifle at a special Armorer's rate.
We are working on our 2007 schedule. We also have courses tenatively on the calendar for MO, TX, CO, MN, TN, CA, KS, SD, and a few others. If anyone would like to host one please contact us to make arrangements, all we need is a suitable classroom for a course and we will be there, the host gets a minimum of 2 complimentary spots.
Greg Sullivan "Sully"
Chief Instructor