Isn't that the same statistic they used last time that ended up getting refuted? I don't have time right now to look up the articles, but you guys know what I'm talking about. That statistic is the percentage of guns THEY SENT BACK TO THE US FOR TESTING that actually came from the US. That is not a percentage of all guns used in crimes in Mexico. Obviously if they find a bunch of full auto AK's they know are from Guatemala, they aren't going to send them to the ATF for a trace.
They just hope that everyone has been distracted by other things and forgotten, so now they are sneaking their bullshit back in while we aren't looking. They know if they ignore facts long enough and keep saying something, the sheep will eventually believe it.
ETA Ok I lied I have plenty of time:
In 2007-2008, according to ATF Special Agent William Newell, Mexico submitted 11,000 guns to the ATF for tracing. Close to 6,000 were successfully traced –– and of those, 90 percent –– 5,114 to be exact, according to testimony in Congress by William Hoover –– were found to have come from the U.S.
But in those same two years, according to the Mexican government, 29,000 guns were recovered at crime scenes.
In other words, 68 percent of the guns that were recovered were never submitted for tracing. And when you weed out the roughly 6,000 guns that could not be traced from the remaining 32 percent, it means 83 percent of the guns found at crime scenes in Mexico could not be traced to the U.S.