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Posted: 12/31/2006 5:13:35 PM EDT
What resolution, pertaining to the shooting sports, do ya'all have for 2007?

For me, shoot more. Much more. My goal is to put at least 5K through my .45s and at least 2.5K through my Sig 229.

Best wishes for a safe and healthy '07.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 5:19:56 PM EDT
My goal is to pursue some type of handgun competition shooting sports.  I am not sure where to start.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 5:23:33 PM EDT

MAP: For me, shoot more. Much more. My goal is to put at least 5K through my .45s and at least 2.5K through my Sig 229.


I'm personally going shooting till I shit, myself, or go blind.

Or move to America for my MG, SBR and silencer.

ET: Clarity.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:55:52 PM EDT
To have a little more self control when it comes to buying guns. (I need to stay off the net and away from auction sites)  Looking back...  I bought what averages out to 1.25 guns per month this year!   (though I did sell four guns.. all for less than I payed. (some for MUCH less)) I kept saying.. "No more! Stop. That's it for a long time."  But I kept on buying. It's an addiction. I have a sickness... Gun Accumulitus.  The thrill of the hunt and the anticipation. What's worse three of the guns I bought set new records for what I've spend on a gun. Which makes everything else seem "cheap", which I guess is why I spent so much.

So I'm going on an austerity budget, and not buying any more guns stuff for quite some time. That's my new years resolution, starting right after christmas. Of course this week alone I've spent about $200 from Midway, and another $100 on my bow, and I'm picking up another safe in a few days....  so it's not going well.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 9:51:30 PM EDT
well for starters, i'm waiting on my damn permit so I can start shooting to begin with.  I applied in westchester back in august...and was hoping I'd get it for christmas, but now i'm hoping i'll get it before the end of january.

Once obtained, i'll hopefully be at the range 2-3 times a week.  

+1 to the shooting competitions.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 3:54:39 AM EDT
1. Build a custom Ruger 10/22 that will be TACK SHARP.
2. Utilize the knowledge and training from Blackwater & 10-8 Consulting MORE OFTEN
3. Stay away from Lion_Dog, he's going to SHIT his Pants.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 5:31:59 AM EDT

My goal is to pursue some type of handgun competition shooting sports.  I am not sure where to start.

If you want some action, try an IDPA match!  Two clubs in NJ are certified, and there is talk of a having a national in NJ this summer.  Or if you are close, hop over to PA, they have LOADS of clubs that shoot IDPA there.  Lots of clubs shoot bullseye matches, plate matches, dot matches ....  But by far IDPA (IPSC too, but I have never tried it) is the best for getting your adrenalin going!
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 5:50:34 AM EDT

...Two clubs in NJ are certified, and there is talk of a having a national in NJ this summer.  IDPA (IPSC too, but I have never tried it) is the best for getting your adrenalin going!...

Thanks.  Who?  Where?
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:49:56 AM EDT


...Two clubs in NJ are certified, and there is talk of a having a national in NJ this summer.  IDPA (IPSC too, but I have never tried it) is the best for getting your adrenalin going!...

Thanks.  Who?  Where?

Are you kidding?? The Capt., 5thCavGuy!!! Check IM.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:58:01 AM EDT
http://www.phillipsburgpistolclub.com shoots IDPA the second sat of every month;  check the calendar of events too, they have plate matches, bullseye, etc.
http://www.scfgpa.org/  somerset county shoots IDPA the third Sunday of each month.
Both clubs allow non-members to shoot the match. As well, you do not have to be an IDPA member to shoot, and I know at PPC you don't have to have a holster if you want to just try it out, but I warn you, it's very addicting!  I know P-burg well, and they love new shooters to come out & give it a try. You are welcome to just go and observe too.   The state championship match is tentatively set for April at Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol.
Feel free to email me for more info if you'd like.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 7:45:47 AM EDT
To get more involved in making sure our rights are not taken away...With out doing that we will have no Shooting Resolutions to make
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