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Posted: 1/25/2009 4:11:19 AM EDT
BOHICA finally came through...too bad you'd need a Sno-Cat to get into the range.  
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 4:31:31 AM EDT
Nice red x you got there.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 4:43:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 4:54:11 AM EDT
Plenty of shooting going on at Otsico. No snocat required!

Bring er down!
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 5:59:25 AM EDT
Just take it to the lake!  Nice flat range, you have a killer sled, just don't blow your target to canada with that airplane motor!!!!!!!!!

or set up a february .50 cal shoot at the fort.  You might be all alone though.  I try to shoot something every month but it's getting cold!!!!!

It's a good time to fill up the empty cases!!!!
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:46:02 AM EDT
Nice red x you got there.

New Jersey State Law prohibits residents from viewing cool stuff like 50's.  
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:54:15 AM EDT
Just take it to the lake!  Nice flat range, you have a killer sled, just don't blow your target to Canada with that airplane motor!!!!!!!!!

or set up a February .50 cal shoot at the fort.  You might be all alone though.  I try to shoot something every month but it's getting cold!!!!!

It's a good time to fill up the empty cases!!!!

You have know idea how much your suggestion has already been contemplated.  
A "friend" hooked me up with a box full of once fired from a Barrett: re-sizes easily, very little trimming, except rolled primers are a bitch until the reamer does its job.

I might not be able to go to my range here, but orders came through Friday for 6 weeks in Texarkana, and it's going on a road trip!

FOAD NY and take the snow with you!  (eh, for now anyways)    

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:36:23 AM EDT
Or I could join you with this:" />
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:42:01 AM EDT
Or even this......" />" />
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 12:49:24 PM EDT
Since March 22nd is "Traders Day" at Otisco, perhaps WE  could do a Fifty Cal demo, maby even allow spectators the opportunity to drill a rock for a nominal donation?    

I know of at least two other drillers in the area, and I'm sure there are more, besides makeing drill bits is certainly no problem.  
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