Just take it to the lake! Nice flat range, you have a killer sled, just don't blow your target to Canada with that airplane motor!!!!!!!!!
or set up a February .50 cal shoot at the fort. You might be all alone though. I try to shoot something every month but it's getting cold!!!!!
It's a good time to fill up the empty cases!!!!
You have know idea how much
your suggestion has already been contemplated.
A "friend" hooked me up with a box full of once fired from a Barrett: re-sizes easily, very little trimming, except rolled primers are a bitch until the reamer does its job.
I might not be able to go to my range here, but orders came through Friday for 6 weeks in Texarkana, and it's going on a road trip!
FOAD NY and take the snow with you! (eh, for now anyways)