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Posted: 3/30/2003 3:08:05 PM EDT
I'm looking for an NRA pistol instructor's course in central Indiana.  I've searched online and I've looked at the NRA site but haven't found anything.  Does anyone here have any information on local classes?

Link Posted: 3/30/2003 9:29:33 PM EDT

I took the NRA instructors course about 6 years ago and it was sponsored by a guy from Indianapolis. He didnt teach the class and a guy from outside the area came in and gave the class over several days.

I will try to track him down and see what kind of information he has on getting it done.

Link Posted: 4/2/2003 11:35:18 PM EDT
Are you looking for the basic handgun course?  Our P.D. is hosting the tactical handgun course in September but I think you need the basic course first.  If you decide you are interested, please contact me and I will send you information on the contact person at our dep't.
Link Posted: 4/3/2003 9:52:03 AM EDT
I'm specifically looking for the instructor's course.  I've taken a decent amount of training but not from the NRA.

EPD1102, where in Indiana are you?

Link Posted: 4/3/2003 3:02:30 PM EDT
Evansville; Southwest corner of the state.
Link Posted: 4/8/2003 4:07:03 PM EDT
Here is a copy of the text from my other post about several upcoming schools.  Maybe one of these will interest you.
The Evansville Police Department is hosting or co-hosting several shooting schools and a Glock Armorer's Course this year. Please spread the word amongst your department so that interested parties can sign up for the schools.

Tuesday July 1, 2003 - Glock Armorer's Course - This is a one day school. The cost is $85.00. You will learn to be an armorer on all Glock pistols, new and old. This course is taught by Glock.

Thursday & Friday September 4 & 5, 2003 - Armed Vehicle Operations -
This is an action packed two shooting school that centers around fighting the fight in and around vehicles. Retired Police Captain Ken
Vogel is the instructor for this course and he is top shelf. He is an adjunct instructor for the NRA Law Enforcement Division and Gunsite.
During his police career he was the commanding officer of a regionalized composite SWAT Team and the Police Training Bureau. Ken has taught on four continents and in 25 different nations. He has received training from the FBI, U.S. Secret Service, DEA, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, and a whole lot of other places too many to mention here. If you
drive a police vehicle and you believe you may have to fight the fight in or around a vehicle, this is the school for you. The cost is
$225.00. You will receive a certificate for this training and it will be accepted by the State of Indiana for your mandatory 16 hours of

Monday - Friday September 8 - 12, 2003 - NRA Law Enforcement Tactical Handgun Instructor School - This is a great school to attend for police firearms instructors. This school is all about teaching tactical handgun skills and this is one you will not want to miss. The cost is $450.00. You can obtain more information on NRA schools by going to
www.nra.org , after you get their website, go to law enforcement training, and then go to instructor development schools. You will get
all the information you need and you can register online. This course will also be taught by Ken Vogel.

Monday - Friday October 20 - 24, 2003 - NRA Law Enforcement Handgun/Shotgun Instructor School - This is the basic firearms instructor school. This will teach you all you need to know to teach the basics of handgun and shotgun instruction. The cost is $450.00.
You can obtain more information on NRA schools by going to www.nra.org , after you get their website, go to law enforcement training, and then go to instructor development schools. You will get all the information you need and you can register on online. This course will also be taught by Ken Vogel.

If you wish additional information on any of the schools listed above, contact Corporal Guy Minnis, Firearms Training Coordinator for the
Evansville Police Department. You can reach Guy at 812-435-6196 (Monday - Friday - 8AM - 4PM) or contact Guy by email at
[email protected]
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 1:09:31 PM EDT
I know they do it at Coyote Creek in Mooresville has a guy that does it Heres there # 317-831-7008
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