I bought a 92FS Vertec about 2 years ago, can't shoot worth a darn and it jams on 2 out of 3 ammo, but as much as I dislike the functionality, it is slowing breaking in and moving up from "to get rid of " list to the "humm, its nice and I don't mind keeping it" list.
Long story short, can anyone shed some light on why this gun sometimes won't lock slide on the last round. There is no definate factor that I can identify, other than it does that once in aobut 100 rounds (8-10 mag change). I have 2 mags and I have not counted which one does it more...
It didn't do that when I first got the gun, then it did that like every-other mag change, to how it is now.
I can live with it, but rather solve the mystery
bonus question.. D spring only changes the DA pull , correct? so if you want to get rid of that SA pre-travel.. is there a easy why to do that?