Correct me if I'm wrong:
Isn't it true that the higher the spring #, the more battering you're doing to your gun technically. Especially in the wrong places. By this I mean that with heavier springs such as 18.5# and up the slower it will recoil the slide which does alleviate the battering on the frame and slide abutments. But heavier springs also return to battery quicker than lighter springs such as 16# and the more it batters and slams into the slide stop crosspin. Heavier springs can also hinder in proper feeding since they move into battery quicker. Think about it. The slide and frame abutments and areas were designed to take the abuse of contact, the barrel lugs, feet, and crosspin weren't. The lighter springs (16#), recoil faster, but also don't return to battery as quick as heavier ones. Besides reducing the slide stop/lug battering, it can also aid or help in magazine feeding by giving the magazine follower to push up the next round in time.
Also, isn't it true that if you want to slow down the recoil backwards and reduce slide/frame battering, couldn't you just replace the firing pin stop with one of those from EGW with a sqare bottom radius. Replies are much appreciated my fellow gurus.