I bought one of the IMEZ surplus .380 Makarovs many years ago. I think I gave like $159 20 years ago. Nice shootin little pistol; never jammed or FTF. I gave it to my oldest son, who still has it. To him, it's a family heirloom.
When a really good buy on a (legitimate) used firearm comes along you have to act quickly or someone else will.
What gets me is the astronomically high prices people ask for their used guns on Armslist. I have a habit of checking out the local gun ads on Armslist at least once a day just for entertainment (and the prospect of a good deal close by). It's amazing to me why people ask more for a used gun than you can buy new at the gun store. I guess maybe they hope someone who doesn't know any better will bite, or maybe someone who can't buy a gun legally at an FFL will pay their asking price.