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Posted: 8/23/2006 1:23:03 PM EDT
Showed mine to a friend and he said that it`s massive. I took it that he meant it`s too big. He is a Colt 1911 series `70 afficiando. Of course, not everyone wants an XD45 Tactical.  Those arfcomers that have a 5 inch XD45. do you agree or disagree about the size being massive? Those who have the 4inch service model, did you buy yours because it is one inch shorter? Around here 4 inch models are plentiful. The 5in tactical is hard to get. The 5inch tactical with stainless slide is rare. Mine has the stainless slide.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 1:24:23 PM EDT
Too big for CCW.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 1:30:30 PM EDT
I wouldn't call it massive, but I wouldn't use it for CCW...

My last five .45ACP purchases... but I don't carry any of them.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 2:13:44 PM EDT
Its not small but I wouldn't call it massive.  Lots of people like to carry 1911's and I can't really see the XD being any bigger than it.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 8:49:27 PM EDT
It's not something I'd carry (even the 4") unless it was one of those OWB winter coat days.

The 1911 just fits so nicely IWB and I'm so used to them that I don't feel the need to carry the big service pistols.

I have two XD 5" and two 4".  For general use the 4" is perfectly acceptable.  The 5" is best suited for competition (which is what mine were exclusively used for).
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 8:52:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 9:29:58 PM EDT
LOVE mine----wouldn't try to CCW mine, but then again I knew that when buying it---have a bunch more that are suitable for that. As a "open carry" field gun---its great.

I have always thought the 4" XD didn't feel or look right----the 5" is a perfect balance for me----so good I went and bought one in 9mm also.

I would say it is typical of a hi-cap 45, sizewise.
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 9:36:06 PM EDT
its not "massive" (the DE .44mags/.50AEs, THOSE are MASSIVE), but they are a tad oversized for CCW imo

great guns nevertheless
Link Posted: 8/23/2006 9:40:17 PM EDT
i carry mine.  i frankly don't see a huge difference between the xd45 tac and a 1911.  sure the 1911 is thinner, but by how much?  i wear strongside holster and can conceal under an untucked shirt.  i have also just grabbed the gun and stuck it in the back of my waistband.  a desert eagle is too big for ccw, but this one does just fine.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 12:28:23 AM EDT
I would not call it massive however it is a large fullsized handgun. That said it depends on whether or not a large fullsized handgun is to big for carry. Whether it is or not would depend on how you dress and carry your self. My 4inch pictured in the holster is a fine carry pistol for me. I do not carry subcompacts unless I have to. The 4" feels a little better balanced to me when I hold it but I love the 5" tactical and it will be my nightstand pistol soon.

Link Posted: 8/24/2006 5:09:05 AM EDT
those that don't see a difference btw XDs & 1911s for CCW:

Staggered Mags: Glocks, HKs, XDs, etc all make poor CCW (without a jacket)

If you begin with a S&W 629, it doesn't seem massive when you carry it. Same applies with full-size XDs and 1911s. I started with the smaller 1911s and as a result 5" 1911s don't carry so well for me, knowing the alternatives. 1911s are perfect for CCW regarding thickness, but push the envelope with respect to the other dimensions. Add more thickness to a 1911 size and the envelope is exceeded.
Link Posted: 8/24/2006 10:24:06 AM EDT
I think The_Beer_Slayer said he carries his 5".
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