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Posted: 8/13/2007 5:34:16 PM EDT
I'm going nuts here...my Colt OACP needs a new double-recoil spring setup and I can't find them anywhere. Brownells doesn't list them and, short of calling Colt directly, I don't now where to look.

Can anyone direct me to where I might be able to find new springs?

I have a Wilson Combat recoil spring still in the package but supposedly I need their FLGR for it to work properly.

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 6:22:25 PM EDT
Did you try Wolf gunsprings?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 2:40:32 PM EDT
I put a Wolff one piece recoil spring in my OACP and immediately began having FTFs. It would not go fully into battery about half the time. I put the old springs back in a it went back to being the smooth reliable pistol it had always been before. I was using both Wolf and WWB ammo which has always worked flawlessly with the old springs.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 3:10:36 PM EDT

I put a Wolff one piece recoil spring in my OACP and immediately began having FTFs. It would not go fully into battery about half the time. I put the old springs back in a it went back to being the smooth reliable pistol it had always been before. I was using both Wolf and WWB ammo which has always worked flawlessly with the old springs.

First that I have heard of that. Thanks for the info !
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