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Page Handguns » Colt
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Posted: 6/21/2011 1:29:47 PM EDT
Went looking for a new SAA in .357.

None to be had except 32-20's.

What gives?

Colt not shipping them anymore?
Link Posted: 6/22/2011 5:39:57 AM EDT
Limited production item.  In 2008 (last numbers I have) Colt only made 3,933 revolvers in all calibers, 343 in 357.  Just not that many out there.  Colt's handgun production has been minimal for a long time.
Link Posted: 6/22/2011 6:32:50 AM EDT
what about

Link Posted: 6/22/2011 12:07:34 PM EDT
They are hard to get, but Colt is still making them.  Additionally, the SAAs that Colt makes in year 2011 bear the "175th Anniversary" rollmark on the top of he barrel.  It's unobtrusive and hard to see unless you're looking for it though, which will make some happy, and others not so.  I specifically wanted one with this rollmark and was able to obtain one of the first off the line earlier this year.

If you're really looking for one, PM me and I can give you the contact info for a dealer that gets me all my hard-to-find Colts.  He has got the inside track there and has never disappointed me.
Page Handguns » Colt
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