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Page Handguns » Colt
Posted: 7/3/2012 3:08:56 PM EDT
I came across this set of grips, which I believe are original Colt Pythons.  I am considering selling them, since I have no use for them at the moment.  Can anyone tell me a little more about them?  If they are Pythons, I know they can be worth a decent amount.  I don't want to misrepresent if they are not...


Link Posted: 7/4/2012 10:49:50 AM EDT
Those are genuine Second Type Python grips.
Many people think this version are the most attractive of the Colt Target grips.

These usually have a satin gloss finish so either it's worn, been stripped, or just isn't showing up in the photos.

Value on these START around $150 to $175 and go up from there these days.
Look at closed auctions on Ebay and the internet gun auctions for actual selling prices.
Link Posted: 7/5/2012 5:43:33 AM EDT
Those are genuine Second Type Python grips.
Many people think this version are the most attractive of the Colt Target grips.

These usually have a satin gloss finish so either it's worn, been stripped, or just isn't showing up in the photos.

Value on these START around $150 to $175 and go up from there these days.
Look at closed auctions on Ebay and the internet gun auctions for actual selling prices.

Thanks for the info.  These do not have a gloss finish, but look pretty much like new takeoffs.  I don't see any signs that they are worn or stripped...
Link Posted: 7/5/2012 10:26:20 AM EDT
They could be very early versions that still had a dull oil finish.
Link Posted: 7/6/2012 8:04:48 AM EDT
Well I put them on ebay yesterday and got a lot if interest already.  Thanks for the help!

The proceeds are going towards my team membership!
Link Posted: 7/6/2012 8:32:35 PM EDT
on gun joker they sel lfor like 300 bucks I got mine off a member off colt forum and bought em for 86 bucks and they were refinished too!
Page Handguns » Colt
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