It took the state about 65 days to finally get it to me, but I came home yesterday evening to find that it was here.
So today I'm off to look for a suitable IWB holster. I have a $10 coupon for Cabelas, so I think I'll look there first.
I'm also trying to figure out how I want to carry: hammer down with one in the chamber, or cocked and locked (my pistol will do either double action or single action for first shot). Questions, questions, questions....
Interestingly, I only feel a tiny bit of excitement about finally being able to concealed carry. Mostly I just feel relief that I can finally do so legally. There have been a handful of occasions these past few years where my wife or I noticed suspicious activity near us or got a very bad impression of a place, and carefully left the area. If I was carrying I wouldn't have acted any differently, but it would have been good to have just in case.