I am pretty sure they changed over the half-cock notch in 95 (KF) so your 9mm with the match trigger should have the half-cock notch. The only reason it would not is if your 9mm has a serial number under 24-21515 in which case HK would have had to make modifications to the gun in order to put the match trigger in the pistol. The half-cock in is the hammer, not the frame. If your pistol is not dropping the hammer when decocking to the half-cock position then something may be wrong.
When you pull the trigger and let the hammer go all the way forward, then manually cock the hammer does it have the half-cock position? It should. And from fully cocked the hammer should not drop all the way forward when using the decocker.
With the pistol unloaded, check three times, cock the hammer and deock it. Notice how far forward the hammer goes. Then cock it and pull the trigger. The hammer should go forward quite a bit more. If your pistol is above the listed serial number range and does not drop to half-cock, contact HK for verification and correction.
Did HK install the match trigger?