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Posted: 6/21/2014 12:11:32 PM EDT
Hey all,

I've got an Argentine Hi-Power, made by FN in Leige.  I know a little about it, but would like to know more.  Do any of you have one of these classics, or, can you point me in the right direction.  I've had this pistol since 1999 or so and only yesterday (having finally gotten some factory mags for it) had a REALLY enjoyable session with it.  Those USA branded mags suck.  Anyway, I already know that the FN contract was for 6000 pistols... does the S/N on the pistol refer to the specific Argentine contract, or was the S/N just part of whatever run FN was doing at that time.  I'll try to post some photos later...after I clean it.  It's a sooty mess right now.


Link Posted: 11/6/2014 3:46:53 AM EDT
I am looking for one of those... Care to post pictures?
Link Posted: 11/28/2014 7:13:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 8:06:46 AM EDT
What appears to be the "serial number"...beginning with the "0", is actually an FN Contract Number...meant to serve as a serial number for that contract. FN Commercial Serial Numbers were approaching 100000 when the Argentine Contract began,
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