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Posted: 4/20/2003 2:47:35 PM EDT
Well I finally got around to shooting my 686, and wow, very nice, this is typical of the groups I was shooting,

Link Posted: 4/20/2003 2:56:25 PM EDT
One of my Favorite Handguns
Link Posted: 4/20/2003 10:58:01 PM EDT
If you want to have some fun, try shooting some .38spl wadcutters in those 686s! It's like shooting a .22!
Link Posted: 4/20/2003 11:41:07 PM EDT
I have a 686 Mountain Gun 7-shot.  Its my hiking gun.  Love that thing. More accurate than I am and it has nice sexy clean lines
Link Posted: 4/21/2003 6:28:42 AM EDT
Just for the fun of it, try taking that short little handgun over to the rifle range and start moving the target out. It may just surprise you how well it does. Love them Smiths.
Link Posted: 4/21/2003 6:55:24 AM EDT
What sig said.
3 or 4 clicks up on the rear sight and 50 to 100 yards should become routine fun.
Link Posted: 4/22/2003 6:24:35 AM EDT
problem isnt with shooting acuratly at 50-100 yards but handgun sites are useless out that far.the front blade practicaly fills in the entire target.id like to see a group a(if it could be called that)at that renge.
i sapose just getting on target would be good.
Link Posted: 4/30/2003 11:54:23 AM EDT
Elmer Keith would disagree...:-)  Too bad I don't shoot like him!
Link Posted: 4/30/2003 6:10:10 PM EDT
Sight in for a six o'clock hold. Adjust sights so your target sits on top of the front sight, not covered by it.
Link Posted: 5/1/2003 7:02:36 AM EDT
i have a four inch 686 that i got from the wifes brother for only $200 bucks with houge grips and it is the best handgun i have. i'ts the house gun. my .02 cents.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:24:00 AM EDT
I always wanted a 686 but since I already have a GP-100.Hard to beat that work horse BUT THERES SOMTHIN ABOUT A GOOD OLD SMITH AND WESSON MOD 586/686.HEY I KNOW I ALREADY HAVE THE 6 INCH .357IN THE RUGERSO NATURALY I NEED A 4 INCH MOD.o well ai

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