I had the same problem when I got my PT911. Taurus just started putting rail on it, so no company, to my knowledge, has a holster for the new design. I ordered a CTAC holster for it when I ordered the gun, but the gun was unavailable for a while, spent a couple monthes waiting for the gun. When it finally all came in, the new railed version of the gun didnt fit the holster.
So what I did was mold the CTAC holster to the new gun. All I did was use a heat gun to to heat the kydex up a bit, then holster the gun, and tightenend the tensioners down. Then I reheated it with the gun in the holster and used my fingers and a piece of metal to press down and mold it to the gun and rail. Worked perfectly.
Kydex doesn't need to be heated very high to mold it, then when it cools, it retains it shape. If you use your fingers to mold, put some water on them to so you dont burn yourself. It took me about 30 min of heating, molding, and reheating to get it perfect.