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Posted: 10/26/2010 5:04:25 PM EDT
I went to the gun shop today to look at a few rifles and I had a XD follow me home , can't wait to go to the range and shoot it.  It was a used model but I don't think the original owner ever fired it, since the barrel and feed ramp look pristine.

Link Posted: 10/26/2010 5:12:05 PM EDT
Nice..that was the first XD I shot, it was a buddies. I really liked it and he was miffed I shot it better than him. I ended buying the same version only in 9mm, I didnt want to start stockpiling .40 ammo and already had plenty of 9mm. Youll like it. Mine shots great and accurate.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 5:33:57 PM EDT
The XD is a nice pistol, I have a XDm 40 and really like it.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 9:11:55 PM EDT
also have an xd sc 40 and love it, i carry it everywhere i go. ive never had any problems except this weekend when my buddys wife was shotting it seemed to jam but my buddy had cleared it before i got up there both times. we were using tula ammo and i contribute it to her limp wristing the gun it shot great for me and my buddy and once i told her what limp wristing was she had no problems. everyone that shoots it loves it and you will love yours too. mine is very accurate and controlable since i did add the pierce extended grip for the compact mag. hope you love yours as much as i love mine.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 9:15:26 AM EDT
Thanks guys....I went to the range the day before and fired my friends Xd and I loved it so when I found this one and I saw the price i knew it was coming home with me.  

I made a few handloads for my 380 acp using Tula primers and I had to depress the trigger twice to get the round to fire so I think Tula uses very hard primer cups, I have never had any problems with any other primers
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