Don't go on the weekend or lunch hour. It's a mad house.
They recently expanded and now have two side rooms filled with assault vests, tactical boots, gun safes, pelican cases, clothing, etc.
The girls are cute and helpful, the guys are knowledgeable but can be huge pricks if you don't know what you are talking about or trying to bullshit them.
Everyone OCs
They push thunder beast arms suppressors from wyoming, Robinson XCRs, and magpul.
They stock Dan Wesson 1911s, plenty of Sigs, LOTS of CZs, good selection of ARs, wide variety of tactical bolt rifles, case full of Smith wheel guns, 3 cases of Benchmade knives, 5 cases of AR accessories, lots of stripped and complete lowers, not a lot of optics but they do stock nightforce and burris. Decent selection of LE gear, holsters, good ammo selection, individual boxes and cases. Maxpedition bags, cleaning supples, surplus FAL, AK mags.