Quick question on stippling polymer framed pistols.
I have an M&P-40c that I use for EDC. I would like to have some stippling done to make it "bite" a little more when I grip the gun. I absolutely love the feel of 1911's that have 20 lpi front-strap checkering and a 20 lpi main spring housing (my Springfield Armory was done this way).
I have seen so many different ways people stipple, and so many different areas. I have seen only back-strap, back-strap and front-strap, full frame stipple etc.
For EDC, what is "most common" or "recommended"? Or is it really come down to user preference?
I want to get more grip than I have, but I don't want the whole thing to be a cheese-grater where it tears up my clothes.
I was almost thinking something along the lines of the new XD "Grip Zone", with just the front-strap and back-strap stippled, and leave the sides as-is.