Took off work early today and went to the range. I just finished cleaning it and here's a quick report:
Fired 150+ rnds of Win ball and 50+ rnds of hollowpoint. I wilson combat 8rnd, 4 Kimber 8 rnd, 1 Kimber 7 rnd 2 SA 7 rnd and 2 GI 7 rnd mags.
The GI mags worked great but would not hold the slide back after last round. SA mags worked flawlessly as did the Kimber 7 rnd mag. The Kimber 8 round mags were finicky feeding the first round of HP ammo and had a couple fail to feeds and one fail to extract. The WC mag had one fail to feed on the last round in the mag. I had to change the way I charge the pistol to get enough speed in the slide to load the first round.
I determined that most malfunctions while limited to certain mags were from limp wristing. This pistol needs a firm grip due to is short, light slide. If you grip it tight and lock your wrist you can hear the slide snap back and the malfunctions go away. I have no idea what caused the FTE.
This thing kicks pretty good and is more tiring to shoot than a full size 1911 but with a firm grip it functions great and feeds HP ammo better that my SA full size.
I would carry this pistol tomorrow but I'm goin to give it at least 400 rounds since Kimber recommends 4-500 rounds break in.
The take down issue is a minor annoyance at this point. I am really liking this pistol and will just live with it. Its light, powerful, reliable and just what I want in a carry pistol. I am going to run another 200 rounds thru it tomorrow and clean her up and put the Glock in the safe and the Kimber in my holster.
All in all I am a happy camper.
I spent a lot of money it and it has lived up to its reputation. I'll just live with field stripping it.