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Posted: 4/18/2007 4:29:18 PM EDT
Ok so not that dark, it's still not a 1911.

Most of ya'll remember my Glock and my deep stippling job on the grip.  The gun now has about 111k rounds through it, and is still malfunction free.  I love it.  I really do.  It's been a faithful carry gun for several years and when I was but a lowly asst manager of a gas station I pulled it twice during robbery attempts (the draw was enough to end the threat both times)  It's won some IDPA and USPSA stages, and lost a lot more. But she's always been there.  Here she is

Last week I was lookin for .223 in ammo in a hunting store and came along this.

$449 hard to pass up.  The internals look brand new.  I been shooting it for about a week now and love it.  It's my new carry gun
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 6:49:41 PM EDT
A few years ago a friend traded a G17 for a USP .40 to use as his carry gun. The USP fell out of his Galco Miami Classic shoulder rig onto the concrete and it broke off the mag floorplate, sending rounds all over the street. As the guys were collecting the ammo and ridiculing him for getting rid of his Glock, he noticed that the frame had split up the frontstrap along the mold seam. So at the next gunshow he traded it off for a G21, and yes, he did disclose that the frame was broken.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 6:54:59 PM EDT
You have my condolences.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:04:29 PM EDT
Is that an LEM gun or DAO?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:09:49 PM EDT

Is that an LEM gun or DAO?
DAO for now, it's likely gonna be sent to HK for a conversion.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 4:52:08 AM EDT
You'll be back.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:23:24 AM EDT
Wow, I have dropped my Glock 19 and my HK USP Compact many a time, all I get are nicks and scratches, never had anything break.  Since I stopped dropping the guns (long story), I have had both refinished.  The 19 by CCR and the USPc by Robar.

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 7:48:15 AM EDT

You'll be back.

Amen.  Isn't it interesting that all the major manufacturers have come out with guns that copy the Glock "safe action" concept?  None of them have improved on the original enough to make me switch.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 9:11:28 AM EDT

You'll be back.

Truer words have never been spoken. When i first got my G17 & 22, thats all i shot. Then a year later (about 3 years ago) i got a good deal on the same gun (HK USP in 40), went out of my way and found a bunch of preban hi-cap mags, bought a nice safariland for it. I shot it maybe 200 times and then sold it for about as much as i paid for it. I shoot sigs but talk about high bore axis? the HK is the embodiment of that. It felt like i was staring down a 2x4 everytime i put sights on target. My Glock brood has since grown . You WILL be back
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 9:15:52 AM EDT


You'll be back.

Amen.  Isn't it interesting that all the major manufacturers have come out with guns that copy the Glock "safe action" concept?  None of them have improved on the original enough to make me switch.

the same could be said for the original polymer frame pistol...produced by HK.

you'll love the pistol Dusty.

fwiw, I'm partial to the V1 versions.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 10:29:41 AM EDT
It's okay. I love my G23 and probably would NEVER get rid of it. But I'm trying to decide between a Glock 30 and a HK USP .45 for my next handgun.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 10:53:00 AM EDT
Later tater!
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 2:47:25 PM EDT
Oh I'm not going anywhere, My Glock will still be my race gun, and it's still my SHTF sidearm cause I can't find any cheap hi caps for the HK  I'll still defend Glocks to everyone that challenges them, now it'll just end with, I'm impartial, I carry a USP
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 2:56:32 PM EDT
111k.  Whoa.  I am way behind.  
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 4:06:29 PM EDT
you did mean 11k rounds NOT 111K didn't you??????  
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 7:42:32 PM EDT
No, I meant 111k . I shoot, a LOT.  I don't waste time TALKING about shooting like most people do.  I can't shoot at work being a trucker but when I get home I make a lotta bang.  An average range day for me is well over 2000 rounds of usually only .223 .22 and mostly .40

What can I say, I make about 50 grand a year, and my monthly bills are under $1500
So I get to play a lot and buy a lot of toys.  Last time I got home I bought that HK, a Walther, and a new AR lower.

Also when I say no malfunctions, I mean no weapon malfunctions, I've made it screw up twice, both times practicing reloads and hitting the mag release before the slide caught the last round fully and it half stripping the round out of the mag and pinching it against the feed ramp but with the rim still in the mag.  My fault both times.  I love that Glock.  It's abuses have been well documented and witnessed
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