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Posted: 6/2/2010 6:00:41 PM EDT
Long story short. A short while back my folks had a flood while on vacation. the water was about 3.5' deep now we don't think the water was there for more than 2 days before my sister got a plumber to drain it.
I went down 1 day after she found the plumber to empty the safe and found this

my camera sucks there was no damage to the derringer or the pump in the pics.

Dad called Browning today and was basically told to Fuck off!!!!!!

That safe was packed and the only other damage was a old Browning semi .22 pistol (pitted), 30 yr old llama .45 (lost some bluing on the slide but no rust) and I have to refinish the stock on the 16 ga pump he got when he was 13!!! because it sucked water. Everything else was fine!!!!

Like I said there was a bunch of guns in that safe and the only ones that got destroyed were 2 browning expensive O/U

FU Browning

Link Posted: 6/2/2010 6:15:03 PM EDT
Wow, that's crazy.
Link Posted: 6/2/2010 6:19:11 PM EDT
Whats that have to do with browning? Was the safe supposed to be water tight or something?
Link Posted: 6/2/2010 6:21:16 PM EDT
The O/U barrels may have been blued using a different process than the other firearms in the safe.  I think I was told that once.  I guess it's not as rust resistant.

I can understand being upset but I don't think Citoris were engineered not to rust while submerged.  Yeah, I know...easy for me to say when they aren't mine.
Link Posted: 6/2/2010 6:36:46 PM EDT
That is really too bad.
I would like to see what a good refinisher could do with them.
Link Posted: 6/2/2010 6:57:52 PM EDT
Stupid hurts.  I'm not sure why submerging a shotgun barrel for two days is Browning's fault.
Link Posted: 6/2/2010 7:01:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 3:28:48 AM EDT
Stupid hurts.  I'm not sure why submerging a shotgun barrel for two days is Browning's fault.

considering every other rifle, shotguns and some hand guns were submerged with no damage it says browning makes JUNK!!!!!!
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 3:32:29 AM EDT
That is really too bad.
I would like to see what a good refinisher could do with them.

I'm just going to duracoat them for him
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 4:18:21 AM EDT
Stupid hurts.  I'm not sure why submerging a shotgun barrel for two days is Browning's fault.

considering every other rifle, shotguns and some hand guns were submerged with no damage it says browning makes JUNK!!!!!!

It really doesn't say that at all...it says the person owning those quality weapons obviously didn't care for them and look after them properly. Yea true a finish can be submerged for a few days and not rust TOO BAD, but thats not saying all finishes will. If I was customer service I would have told you to F off too.

Link Posted: 6/3/2010 5:07:31 AM EDT
That is really too bad.
I would like to see what a good refinisher could do with them.

I'm just going to  them for him

Seriously?!!!!! duracoat a Browning over and under ? Why not have a quality re-finisher re-blue the thing right. And what did you expect a Citori is not a ACR.

Link Posted: 6/3/2010 5:41:36 AM EDT
Stupid hurts.  I'm not sure why submerging a shotgun barrel for two days is Browning's fault.

considering every other rifle, shotguns and some hand guns were submerged with no damage it says browning makes JUNK!!!!!!

You remind me of a guy that was arguing that the manual transmission in his car was a POS because it needed a rebuild after 250,000 miles.

The safe was full of water - you should be thanking your lucky stars that ONLY the Citori's were badly damaged.  Call your insurance company, get a settlement, get them reblued, go on with life.

Or Duracote them and face the laughter and derision at the range when the other shooters ask about it.
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 5:55:36 AM EDT
I fail to see how this is Browning's problem.  

O/U and S x S shotguns use a cold blue process.  Hot tank blueing is too hot for the solder used on the barrels.  As a rule cold blue doesn't hold up as well.  Nature of the beast.  

This is why you don't put a gun safe in the basement.  Expensive lesson.
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 6:02:09 AM EDT
If you really want to blame someone who isn't at fault, blame the weatherman for making it rain.

ETA:  Type of flood not mentioned in OP.  I guess it could be that you should blame a plumber or someone else for the flood.
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 7:17:28 AM EDT
Don't know about this situation, but the blued finish on my Hi Power was an absolute joke.
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 7:31:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 11:57:30 AM EDT
I checked the Browning Citori manual for you.  Searched for 'waterproof'.  No matches.

It did say that if you drop it in the water you need to immediately take it to a qualified gunsmith.

Your experience has zero impact on my attitude towards Browning or their products.  I'm sorry your family incurred flood damage, but your expectations of the manufacturer are ridiculous and I think trying to damage Browning's reputation because you are uninformed is unreasonable and not a very respectable thing to do.

And you are in the wrong forum.
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 12:52:14 PM EDT
How's that Browning's problem?  Bluing never stands up to moisture.
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 2:46:10 PM EDT
Well you should really look close at some of you undamaged goods, as in you picture I screws rusting in a buttstock badly, and that other buttstock has some funk going on, if you haven't completely stripped and cleaned the contents of that safe you should.  Maybe you broached Browning with the wrong attitude and should have asked them about renovating them instead as it was your fault.  Also who's to say what was in that water only god knows the chemical make up that may have attacked that bluing.  

Oh your in a pistol forum ranting your mistakes if you hadn't noticed.  I really like my brownings, and Browning when I needed them responded positively when approched properly.
Link Posted: 6/3/2010 4:39:57 PM EDT
I think that you are going to find out soon that there is more rust, on more guns than you think  The rusting has only begun.

And I think that you are going to figure out that Browning was not in the wrong either.  Browning owes you nothing.  Just keep in mind that Browning is only a brand.  They don't, and haven't, made anything of their own much anymore.  That shotgun is likely an Italian, Belgium, or even Japanese contract gun.

Link Posted: 6/4/2010 2:15:32 AM EDT
I checked the Browning Citori manual for you.  Searched for 'waterproof'.  No matches.

It did say that if you drop it in the water you need to immediately take it to a qualified gunsmith.

Your experience has zero impact on my attitude towards Browning or their products.  I'm sorry your family incurred flood damage, but your expectations of the manufacturer are ridiculous and I think trying to damage Browning's reputation because you are uninformed is unreasonable and not a very respectable thing to do.

And you are in the wrong forum.

Ditto. File a claim with his insurance company.
Link Posted: 6/4/2010 3:02:21 AM EDT
I predict that this thread has not gone the way the OP planned.
Link Posted: 6/4/2010 5:57:03 AM EDT
Sucks for you and your Dad but I fail to see how this is Browning's fault or problem?
Link Posted: 6/4/2010 6:32:25 AM EDT
I fail to see how this is Browning's problem.  

O/U and S x S shotguns use a cold blue process.  Hot tank blueing is too hot for the solder used on the barrels.  As a rule cold blue doesn't hold up as well.  Nature of the beast.  

This is why you don't put a gun safe in the basement.  Expensive lesson.

BINGO!!! Suxs about the flood but this has nothing to do with Browning..quit yr bitching and just be glad that after 2 days in water things weren't worse.
Link Posted: 6/4/2010 7:27:40 AM EDT
Were it me, I'd qit bitching about Browning and start cleaning, everything, down to the component parts, or they will all suffer the wrath of rust.

Sorry it happened, but it isn't Browning's fault somebody was stupid.
Link Posted: 6/4/2010 8:49:41 AM EDT
dont you have insurance?  the house insurance should cover the damaged articles in the house.

why would someone blame Browning for a flood?  they have no control where you decided to store the guns or how you store them.

also, it doesnt make a dif if the guns were soaked for 2 days or 2 minutes,  different metals/coatings will corrode at different rates depending on the enviroment and conditions.
Link Posted: 6/5/2010 3:45:50 AM EDT
How come you didn't evac the guns ahead of time and left them in the basement?  Its not Brownings responsiblitiy to replace.  That's between you and your insurance company, not Browning.

Link Posted: 6/9/2010 2:36:25 PM EDT
Well in the future they will be in my safe when there out of town. there was never a reason to worry, the last time it flooded was over 30 yrs ago and it was only a couple inches. This was a freak accident where both sump pumps failed.As far as future rust goes... not going to happen, safe was first. we spent hours cleaning them. I stripped and reassembled as the wife, my sister and my kids cleaned and oiled. those that bash keeping your safe in the basement all i have to say is all i need is a sawzall and a buddy to walk away with yours.

My issue is with browning's crap bluing.
Link Posted: 6/9/2010 9:57:57 PM EDT


Well in the future they will be in my safe when there out of town. there was never a reason to worry, the last time it flooded was over 30 yrs ago and it was only a couple inches. This was a freak accident where both sump pumps failed.As far as future rust goes... not going to happen, safe was first. we spent hours cleaning them. I stripped and reassembled as the wife, my sister and my kids cleaned and oiled. those that bash keeping your safe in the basement all i have to say is all i need is a sawzall and a buddy to walk away with yours.

My issue is with browning's crap bluing.

O/U and S x S shotguns use a cold blue process.  Hot tank blueing is too
hot for the solder used on the barrels.  As a rule cold blue doesn't
hold up as well.  

Link Posted: 6/10/2010 4:44:23 AM EDT
Well in the future they will be in my safe when there out of town. there was never a reason to worry, the last time it flooded was over 30 yrs ago and it was only a couple inches. This was a freak accident where both sump pumps failed.As far as future rust goes... not going to happen, safe was first. we spent hours cleaning them. I stripped and reassembled as the wife, my sister and my kids cleaned and oiled. those that bash keeping your safe in the basement all i have to say is all i need is a sawzall and a buddy to walk away with yours.

My issue is with browning's crap bluing.

Odd, I've hunted pheasants in sleet and snow conditions for years with mine and the gun looks like new, its bluing and you need to wipe it down. But the finish is defiantly resistant to moisture if cared for. Again its not a battle rifle or a boat anchor.
Link Posted: 6/10/2010 5:44:46 PM EDT
Im glad I dont have basement in Fla. One time comingback from a hunt in the salt marsh my buddy stuck his Remington 870 back into the soft case for the ride home 2 HOURS AWAY in the bed of the truck. I told him not too. Well the whole gun had rusted everywhere there was metal in 2 HOURS ,no BS. Sorry Ur family has 2 deal with the mishap.
Link Posted: 6/14/2010 9:07:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2010 10:05:31 PM EDT
stop complaining and replace that barrel, Browning OU are a joy to own and use (if that happened to my Browning I would already have it fixed by now). That gun is not made to survive adverse conditions without being wiped down and dried off after use. Deal with it and realize that out off all the guns in that picture the Browning is the only worth a second glance.
Link Posted: 6/28/2010 9:24:42 PM EDT
This thread just reminds me that I need to add a Browning to my expanding collection. I'll give you $50 plus shipping for the gun as it sits since it is such a piece of crap to you!
Link Posted: 7/9/2010 3:32:18 AM EDT
i would also like to mention that if it was that deep... Any number of chemicals or contaminents may have been in the water and reacted with that particular type of steel to cause the corrosion.

all in all, its not brownings fault, sorry about your luck, call your insurance company.
Link Posted: 7/9/2010 4:10:30 AM EDT


Why is this in the handgun forum? 0/10 FAIL

Because there's a handgun in the picture?  About as logical as blaming Browning, I guess...

Link Posted: 7/10/2010 7:16:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/10/2010 8:13:47 PM EDT
I fail to see how this is Browning's problem.  

O/U and S x S shotguns use a cold blue process.  Hot tank blueing is too hot for the solder used on the barrels.  As a rule cold blue doesn't hold up as well.  Nature of the beast.  

This is why you don't put a gun safe in the basement.  Expensive lesson.

It's not Brownings fault, any other over under or side by side shotguns would have suffered as well.  Not sure why you would call browning before calling your insurance company?  I wouldn't expect any gun company to offer warranty work on guns subjected to a flood, that falls outside the normal exposure of firearms.  I think you are a little off track blaming browning for this.  I don't think I own a single thing that would be warranteed after being exposed to a flood, that is what flood / insurance is for.  Suck it up.
Link Posted: 7/13/2010 11:43:52 AM EDT
Guns that are blued or even parkerized, will rust if you don't maintain them from the elements.  This is a fact of life.  You got lucky if the others didn't rust.  I see a stainless pistol which of course is going to be more impervious to oxidizing.  But it CAN oxidize if not taken care of properly also.  Or so I've heard.  Now that I think about it, I don't have any stainless weapons.  But I can tell you from experience, your blued guns will rust if moisture is left on them.  I thought this was common knowledge for a gun owner.  In fact, the manual probably says something about it.
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 12:53:49 PM EDT
My issue is with browning's crap bluing.

More going on here than "crap bluing".  There a definite pattern to the rust.  Probably where the barrels laid up against soaking wet fabric liner.  If it was true "crap bluing" then the entire barrel would have the same pattern, and they don't.

Nobody ever claimed any type of bluing would resist water immersion.  

Have you taken down that derringer to check the internals?  Bet the springs are rusted.

Not sure the source of your username, but where it applies to blued firearms it'll eventually lead to rust.

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