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Posted: 1/28/2011 6:06:57 PM EDT
The numbers tell the story:

P220R - .45/.22LR
P245 DAO Two Tone
Skeeter - threaded barrel

All but the P220R and the skeeter have been purchased since this past September.  The only consolation is that most were bought right $$.  The guns are all 9mm or .45ACP.  One big plus is the interchageability of magazines between Sig handguns.  Probably half of the guns were bought used with extra mags to boot.  Luckily there aren't that many more Sig models that I'm interested in!

I have other handguns (Ruger / M&P / Taurus) but as you can see, Sigs are my favorite.  They're great guns!
Link Posted: 1/28/2011 6:15:45 PM EDT

Link Posted: 1/28/2011 6:27:03 PM EDT
I knows

228 black 9mm

228 bearcoat 9mm srt

229 black .357 srt

229 SAS melt .357srt


P220r combat TB srt

P220R carry dark nitride srt

P220R carry Elite srt

p220 compact dark srt
Link Posted: 1/28/2011 7:24:35 PM EDT
I knows
228 black 9mm
228 bearcoat 9mm srt
229 black .357 srt
229 SAS melt .357srt
P220r combat TB srt
P220R carry dark nitride srt
P220R carry Elite srt
p220 compact dark srt

No P226.... GTFO!!!
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 6:53:45 AM EDT
I knows
228 black 9mm
228 bearcoat 9mm srt
229 black .357 srt
229 SAS melt .357srt
P220r combat TB srt
P220R carry dark nitride srt
P220R carry Elite srt
p220 compact dark srt

No P226.... GTFO!!!

I was thinking the same thing!
you need a P226
Link Posted: 1/29/2011 7:35:01 AM EDT
this is what I have so far

P6 (1 - 1980 & 1 1984)
P228 (1 - 2002 & 1 - 1989)
P226 (1989)
P245 (1999)
P229 (.40 S&W - )
P229 (9mm SCT - 2010)

waiting on my P220 a 1989

I am also thinking about getting a P239 in 9mm

Link Posted: 1/30/2011 7:06:35 AM EDT
I knows
228 black 9mm
228 bearcoat 9mm srt
229 black .357 srt
229 SAS melt .357srt
P220r combat TB srt
P220R carry dark nitride srt
P220R carry Elite srt
p220 compact dark srt

No P226.... GTFO!!!

You need a P226 & a P239 too.

I was thinking the same thing!
you need a P226

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