Alright, here's the s(h)ituation,
I have two S&W revovlers I don't shoot. It's not that I don't like them, I just don't shoot them especially since I've been trying to reduce my shooting calibers to .223, .308, .30'06 (CMP Garands), 9mm, .45, and .22.
Part of me wants to hang on to them because they're pre-lawyer lock S&W's and they're in pretty much pristine condition. I figure if I sell them both, I could get a fresh from re-arsenaled condition HRA Garand, another Glock 19, a Ruger MkII and a couple AR lowers, or maybe even a HK P7M8.
I'm of the "never sell guns" school of thought, and technically I wouldn't be flat out selling them, they'd be sold for more guns. So what do y'all think; hold on to a couple guns I'll never shoot just because they don't make them that way anymore, or sell/trade them for guns I'll shoot?