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OP: what version is your P30? Sounds like LEM.
I have both P30 aND VP9, and the trigger to the VP9 is a galaxy better just in speed and reset. But I shoot both well with the VP a few notches better just on reset.
As for your thumb hitting the slide release: you are going to need to move it over some to keep it from happening. You will experience the same problem on the VP9 as the P30 because of the slide release location. My thumb does not touch the pistol but rides on the back knuckle of my support side thumb.
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I actually have the V3 P30.
I have realized it 's my fault the slide is not locking back, so I have been practicing keeping my thumb on the back of support thumb. a lot 2-3 round mags with the sole intention of keeping my thumbs where they should be and getting the slide to lock back.
I sorta have long gangly hands which is no excuse, but it doesn't help in this situation.
I think the issue with the P30 slide release (for me) is how far it extends out from the frame, not necessarily location.
It works great for dropping the slide though, and since it is ambi, maybe I could modify the slide release/ shave it down on one Side?
The VP9 slide release seems to be be less pronounced. Correct me if I am wrong.
I shoot the P30 pretty well, I just sorta crave the crisp reset of the VP9.