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Posted: 12/27/2006 9:06:14 PM EDT
My girlfriend/fiance hates guns, but LOVES my P22.  she has very small hands, and can't use my larger 92fs (a far better choice for self-defense) because she can't pull the slide back.  because of that, my P22 sits in her dresser in case she needs to protect herself and I'm not around.  here's my question:

what is the best self-defense load SPECIFICALLY for the P22?  has anyone Chrono'd CCI Stingers or velocitors out of the short 3.4" barrel?  Listed velocities are in the 1400-1600 fps range, but I know that these loads use slower burning powder to make better use of rifle-length barrels.  it seems like this would be a waste in such a short barrel.  anyone have any real-world P22 data??  thanks for your help everyone!
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 6:32:46 PM EDT
OT:  Have you considered getting her a .38 revolver?  No slide, no safety, no possibility of JAMS, and far more stopping power.  You can pick up old police-issue ones around here for like 200 bucks.

IMO, the P22 is a sweet gun for play, plinking, trigger practice, and suppressed shooting.  But I'd think twice before choosing it over even a baseball bat or knife as a last-resort self-defense tool.

Sorry I can't be of help with any Chrono numbers.

ETA:  Are you sure you want to marry an anti-gunner?  j/k
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 7:33:35 PM EDT
I'd love to get her a .38 revolver - it would be a great choice for her.  unfortunately, I'm a college student, and between tuition and books and stuff, there's not much left for guns he

thanks for the reply!
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:25:09 PM EDT
On that note, I totally understand on both the college student and jealousy points.

Remember that most defensive uses of handguns result in not a single shot being fired.  Obviously not an excuse to give up reliability, but looking down the wrong side of a pistol, even a P22, would scare most anyone shitless.

Find the best round that reliably cycles and don't worry about chronos in my opinion.  I don't think stopping power would vary considerably among .22lr cartridges, but reliability definitely does.

...Or consider keeping the 92 loaded (so she doesn't have to bother with the slide) and keep it accessible inside a holster covering the trigger.  But that gun may not fit her hands or she may be uncomfortable with it.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 3:40:47 PM EDT
I have a few .22 and i have never had a misfire with minimags. But finding a dedicated .22 roundfor self defense is like winning the special olympcs, even if you win, youre still retarded. but if  HAD to, id take mini mags over stingers, they have a big more mass to them.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:29:48 PM EDT

He's got a point.  Rare would be the fail to fire (but of course the hammer will drop on a loaded chamber if it's on safe, an easy mistake to make).  Much more likely is the FTE.  Which honestly is a concern given the stopping power of .22lr.  That said, I've never had any cycling troubles with mini mags (or really anything else for that matter...my P22 has overall been pretty reliable).

Make sure mini mags run through fine, keep the gun clean, make sure she's aware that she'd have to work the safety (or keep it in an accessible, quick-draw holster, safety off, hammer up), and I think the P22 could be a sufficient self-defense tool.

Granted, I would not fight a war with it, but the gun alone will act as a deterrent.  If necessary you know it will cycle 10+1 rounds of mini mags or whatever you choose.  

Once you've finished paying for the ring, wedding, honeymoon, furniture, house, and all the other s*&% women want, get a more reliable piece for her and use the P22 as a suppressor host!
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 5:38:08 PM EDT
I used to have a 22 that I would occassionally pocket carry. For those times, I had Remington Yellow Jacket hollow points. They are hyper velocity 22 rounds. Granted - a 22 is a really sucky caliber to rely on for self defense, but it is better than nothing...
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