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Posted: 4/18/2007 10:18:00 PM EDT
I bought one for my current project... I've fitted a few Ed Brown's before, but the C&S has a lower profile so I went with it.. ordered part number  206-037-051  from brownells.

After installing it, it only has to go up about half way to be engaged. Beyond that it gets hard to enage and going any further the hole in the frame is exposed(and this safety hasn't been blended or anything) I can live with the hole, but it doesn't fit the notch cut in the slide. Everything works properly, just doesn't seem right

Here is the safety "enaged" with the plunger and everything in the right spot.. the huge gap is not present on the EB safety that was on this gun.

All the way in the up position

Is this typical?

I think I am going to call up Brownells and sending it back
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 10:26:12 PM EDT
Here's the Ed Brown in the same gun... there's enough material on there that I could fit it to the new sear I put in, so I might just do that for now

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 10:52:52 PM EDT
I have a C&S safety on my Hi Power and it came with instructions for fitting. Were there similar instructions?
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 9:18:36 AM EDT

I have a C&S safety on my Hi Power and it came with instructions for fitting. Were there similar instructions?

The instructions are generic to all thumb safeties, nothing mentioned in them about fit
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 7:23:42 PM EDT
In my experience, thumb safeties that "drop in " are few and far between. It needs to be properly fitted. Not that hard, but if you're not comfortable doing it get a pro to do it for you.
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