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Posted: 5/10/2004 10:39:50 PM EDT
Saw a picture of this in the Guns and Ammo Handgun annual this week.


I must admit that this tempts me greatly.  I have long wished for a relatively simple way to slap a tactical light on my 1911 without resorting to a $urefire.  Installation requires drilling and tapping four screws into the dustcover, and construction is plastic.  Cost is $22.50 (not including possible gunsmithing).

I have heard nothing negative about Cylinder and Slide, so what do ya'll think?
Good idea or bad?
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 10:03:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 6:27:17 PM EDT
Lumpy196, do you have any more info or pics on the Dawson Precision rail? I have been thinking of a rail for my 1911 as well and plastic just does not seem right. I would even consider a strike plate but would rather have something a little more streamlined.Thank you in advance.
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