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Posted: 4/22/2007 8:01:54 AM EDT
Anyone know the value of a cut-away Glock 19?
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 8:14:09 AM EDT
CDNN has them for $449.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 8:16:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 8:22:18 AM EDT

IMO, $449 is a ripoff.  It's non-firing, so what's the point?

No kidding..I can get real Glocks that shoot for $350 at gun shows..
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 8:50:27 AM EDT
I thought it would be cool to have.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 2:22:37 PM EDT

IMO, $449 is a ripoff.  It's non-firing, so what's the point?

It's used as a training tool.

Sure it will fire. Just change the barrel(the cut-a-way barrel will fire but I'm not triing it). BATFE labels the receiver as the gun and they don't care if it functions or not, plus it takes more machine time to produce then a standard model.

They are kinda cool.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 2:50:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 3:36:11 PM EDT


IMO, $449 is a ripoff.  It's non-firing, so what's the point?

It's used as a training tool.

Sure it will fire. Just change the barrel(the cut-a-way barrel will fire but I'm not triing it). BATFE labels the receiver as the gun and they don't care if it functions or not, plus it takes more machine time to produce then a standard model.

They are kinda cool.

Exactly - should cost MORE than an off the shelf gun, if anything.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 5:34:39 PM EDT
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