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Posted: 1/26/2009 2:24:26 PM EDT
Looking for some advice.

My wife loves shooting out in the desert, and at gun ranges, but she has a walking problem and has to sit down to shoot. She suffered from CP as a small lass. She also has a 'weak eye' and finds it hard to aim with one eye closed, and we've tried using a patch and trying to use her good eye, some days are good and she does well, other days are well.. just shit.

I'd like to buy her a pair of Crimson Trace for her Springfield 9mm XD, to help her out.

What do you guys think... good or bad idea??
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:58:27 PM EDT
I don't see how it could be a bad idea.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 9:19:27 PM EDT
Agreed, I don't see the downside (except cost, of course).

The Crimson Trace grips don't replace anything, so you can choose to use them or use the pistol as stock.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 10:03:31 PM EDT
question: does she see well/ok consistantly with BOTH eyes open? if so, or if there is no diff than w/ one eye open, have her shoot w/ both eyes open

+1 on the CT grips not being a bad addition...it cant hurt

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