I did this with my Delta Elite, though mine dates back to the Reagan era. Shouldn't be a problem. Yes, a milder spring might be required, and actual .40 S&W mags if you are going to use .40s loaded to normal .40 length. Some people just seat the bullet out a bit and use the 10mm magazines. I do this with the 357 SIG barrel I also fitted to my DE.
The only fly in the ointment is this. The ejector is shorter for the 10mm than it is for the .40 S&W. Not a big deal for play, and it never caused any problems with my Delta Elite. Still, there is a bit of difference, and I only use the .40 S&W barrel and the 357 SIG barrel for range use. Same thing with the 9mm barrel.
The rim of the 9x19mm is very close to the 10mm/.40S&W breechface. So close that a 9mm barrel actually functions in my Delta Elite with a lighter recoil spring and proper 9mm mags.
Yes, even a .38 Super barrel will work. Very versatile package, the Delta Elite.