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Posted: 4/17/2007 9:48:56 AM EDT
OEM Glock mags, G19.  Drop-free.
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 1:27:11 PM EDT
see tacked thread at the top of the glock forum: http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=5&f=13&t=23837
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 2:14:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:43:06 AM EDT
Doh! Didn't notice the sticky.
Yeah, I like CDNN.  I bought 2 pistols from them in the past, good guys.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:49:18 AM EDT
Try Botac tactical.  $15 each.

And tell them CHICKEN LITTLE sent you!
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:58:46 AM EDT
Someone on Gunsamerica is selling them used for $12?

Midway has new ones for $16.49 or $16.99
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 4:45:55 PM EDT
There is a guy on GlockTalk selling some for $45 each
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 12:26:29 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/20/2007 5:52:47 PM EDT

There is a guy on GlockTalk selling some for $45 each

That dude really pissed me off!
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 7:27:00 PM EDT

There is a guy on GlockTalk selling some for $45 each

He need to learn to wait a little bit before doing that.

I might be able to sell my SA stash at $2.00 a round in a year, but I don't think posting an ad today is gonna do any good.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 9:32:33 PM EDT


Only two places i`ve ordered Glock mags, and have had no problems with either place.
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