Using surplus GI mags for the range, I decided on a few more.
Looking some over, they didn't look "right".
Some were located in a bin, loose, right next to those "Colt" marked ones for $6, the GI at $6.50.
I found some later, supposedly NIW, 3 for $18 so I nabbed 'em.
First FSN, date or nominclature on the wrappers...hmmmm.
Upon opening the wrapper, the magazines had the same identical finish as those $6 cheapies, not like my older GI mags.
They do have an Assy # on the floorplate and it looks ligit, but overall still don't look "right".
What really sticks out as wrong?
The witness holes are off!
They are too high one complete round and are only showing 6 shots.
Besides that, the lip design is nothing like the older one.
All #s match on both except MFR...the older one is 1M291, the NIW magazine is 30745
Shoddy surplus or outright fake?